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Morehouse Force Calculation Guidance Made Simple

Force Calculation Guidance  Demystifies Equations

Understanding how to perform force calculations can be challenging, as not all force calculation equations are straightforward. Different companies often use varying math equations, resulting in different outcomes. This new comprehensive force calculation equation guide, co-authored by Henry Zumbrun, president,  and Zach Shearer,  software developer, aims to demystify some common math equations found on Morehouse calibration certificates.
This book, Morehouse Force Calculation Guidance, was written to help readers achieve accurate and consistent results in their calibration processes.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, this guide is designed to make complex calculations easier to understand and apply.  The book is written to simplify what we do to make things easier for clients to reproduce similar results. Not everything is captured in the book, though it is a great starting point.

The book features detailed explanations of many calculations, including non-linearity, hysteresis, and non-repeatability calculations, and clear examples to illustrate each type of calculation.

Download your free copy here.

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Decision Rule Guidance, 1st Edition 2024

Download your free "Decision Rule Guidance, 1st Edition 2024" copy here.  This guidebook is written by Henry Zumbrun of Morehouse Instrument Company, Greg Cenker of Indysoft, and Dilip Shah of E = mc3 Solutions. It provides foundational knowledge and practical calculations for using decision rules in measurement uncertainty.
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Load Cell Reliability for a 1 Year Calibration Interval

Over the years, many of us at Morehouse have been asked what value one should use for  Load Cell Reliability when a system is new.

You may think: “I need a load cell reliability number for my uncertainty budget. What should I use?”

The answer is variable as it depends on several factors.

One critical factor is determining how stable the load cell system needs to be to meet a person's measurement uncertainty requirements.

Is 89 % EOPR acceptable with 95 % Confidence, or is 95 % End of Period Reliability (EOPR) the goal?

The other reaction we often receive is, “No one does that because there are too many variables.”

Load cell reliability will depend on the complete system and its use.

The use would include anything that could influence the results.

Force is mechanical, such as using different adapters, cables, thread engagement, overloading the load cell, the meter used, and the number of loading cycles.

So, after being asked numerous times, we decided to tackle the question, "What should I expect for stability with year-to-year annual calibrations?"

We started by finding enough samples to meet the 95 % Confidence Interval criteria, with 95 % End of Period Reliability, which seemed daunting.

Load cell Reliability formula

Download the full paper here.

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Mass to Force Guidance

Mass to Force Guidance: Using mass weights not adjusted for force can result in a large measurement error. The two major measurement parameters typically affected are force and torque. Any measurement involving force should use force. There are acceptable formulas for correcting mass weights to force to enable companies who use mass for these applications to apply known forces. We created this mass-to-force guidance document to help reduce measurement errors associated with using mass weights for applications involving force.

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Force Calibration for Technicians and Quality Managers eBook 2024 Edition

Force Calibration for Technicians eBook 2024 Edition is available for free by filling in the website form.

The 333-page book covers various topics essential for understanding and improving force calibration processes. Readers will find in-depth discussions on the fundamentals of force measurement, detailed explanations of various calibration methods, and guidance on selecting the right equipment. The comprehensive content includes:

  • How a transducer measures force
  • Compression and tension force calibration
  • Measurement uncertainty and its importance
  • Load cell terminology, reliability, and troubleshooting
  • Advanced force measurement techniques
  • Calibration differences between ASTM E74 and ISO 376 standards
  • Adapter considerations.
  • Indicators
  • Correcting for Tare Weight

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Recommended Compression and Tension Adapters for Force Calibration

Recommended Compression and Tension Adapters for Force Calibration: We buy a great force standard, we demonstrate metrological traceability, & we make a force measurement. Without the proper compression and tension adapters, the errors can be over 10 times that of the specification. This article discusses the importance of compression and tension adapters and provides solutions for better calibrations using the appropriate compression and tension adapters. For more information on adapters, click here.

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Portable Force Machine Solves Several Measurement Management Headaches

Portable Force Machine Solves Several Measurement Management Headaches. This paper examines several “bad” measurement practices, such as using multiple technicians to calibrate instruments (including hand-held dynamometers). Such practices include using a free-floating cable and stacking weights to calibrate a cable tensiometer. We discuss how a portable force calibration machine can be used to improve efficiency and solve several measurement challenges. Click Here to read our portable force calibration machine paper.

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#1 CMC Calculation Made Easy Tool for Force Uncertainty

Are you having trouble figuring out all of the requirements for calculating a CMC for force uncertainty or torque uncertainty? This Excel sheet provides a template for calculating CMCs and explains everything required to pass an ISO/IEC 17025 audit. It took us hours to develop and is unlocked for anyone to have the tools needed to use this sheet or create their own. For additional uncertainty guidance, please read our Calculating Force Uncertainty for a Morehouse Force Calibrating Machine here.

Force Uncertainty

Morehouse Free Uncertainty Spreadsheet to Calculate Calibration and Measurement Capability Uncertainty

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Measurement Risk and TUR Calculator Tool - 1 Simple-to-Use Tool

Measurement Risk and TUR Calculator Tool - 1 Simple-to-Use Tool: Decision Rules can be difficult to understand, and this worksheet will help simplify things by focusing on measurement risk.

The Morehouse Measurement Risk TUR tool will cure those measurement headaches allowing anyone to calculate TUR properly and Measurement Risk Correctly. Use this tool to input parameters such as accuracy requirement, resolution, measurement uncertainty, TUR, and repeatability with other error sources.

The TUR calculator will calculate how good the reference standard uncertainty needs to be to maintain test uncertainty (TUR) ratios and will allow the end-user to input their own risk tolerances. The TUR Calculator can be found here.

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Easy to Use Mass to Force Conversion Tool

The Mass to Force Conversion tool solves issues with results not agreeing because the same units are not being used. This spreadsheet tool was created to help with your force needs.

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ASTM E74 Load Cell Selection Guide

ASTM E74 Load Cell Selection Guide: Need to know what 0.005 % and 0.01 % of full scale means when calibrating to a specified standard such as ASTM E74? This spreadsheet breaks these numbers down into a % of reading at various force points throughout the calibration range. The ASTM E74 load cell selection guide is a free Excel spreadsheet designed to simplify the selection of ASTM E74 cells. Click here to download the load cells selection guide.

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Let's Talk About Measurement Bias

Measurement Bias: What can happen when we use an accuracy specification and assume all the measurements are centered to the specification limits?

Not correcting for Measurement Bias is a typical problem in the metrology community, where many papers assume a centered process or Measurement and that any known Measurement Bias has been corrected.

The Morehouse technical paper on Measurement Bias examines what happens if we fail to correct Measurement Bias at the bench level and gives examples based using Specific Risk. Specific Risk is the probability that an accepted item is non-conforming or that a rejected item does conform. This risk is based on measurements of a single item.

In general terms, Specific Risk is dependent on a single probability function and can be referred to as Probability of Conformance from the customer’s point of view.

Not correcting for Measurement Bias matters because when a known bias is ignored, meaning not corrected or not included in the Statement of Measurement Uncertainty on the Calibration Certificate, measurement traceability may not be fully achieved, and all subsequent measurements are suspect.

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Improve your Force Measurements with Morehouse Accredited Force Calibration Services

Accredited Force Calibration Services information, including a range of Accredited Force  Services provided by Morehouse. These include our deadweight capability, ASTM E74, ISO 376, and information about how we can provide the lowest force uncertainties for your equipment. Click here to download our accredited force services flyer.

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Metrology and the Consequences of Bad Measurement Decisions (3 Rules)

Metrology and the Consequences of Bad Measurement Decisions by Scott Mimbs

This paper was initially published in Test Magazine and is being shared as one of the essential documents we believe anyone making measurements should read.

In the simplest terms, measurements are made to support decisions.

Measurement data support decisions to:

• Establish research or investigative fact;
• Establish scientific or legal facts;
• Accept or reject a product;
• Rework or complete a design;
• Take corrective action or withhold it;
• Continue or stop a process (including a space launch).

The measurement is unnecessary if the data from measurements are not used in decision-making or establishing facts (including scientific research).

# Measurement Decisions

Scott Mimbs has written many papers, and one of our favorites discussing the importance of definitions can be found here.

Want to read more on Decision Rules? Check out our blog.

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The Force of Decision Rules

Henry Zumbrun, President of Morehouse Instrument Company, explores the complex world of decision rules in metrology with an unconventional twist. His article, "The Force of Decision Rules: Applying Specific and Global Risk to Star Wars," featured in the January issue of Quality Magazine, uses the Star Wars saga to shed light on the subject.

In this article, Zumbrun uses examples from the first Star Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope, to demystify decision rules and make them more understandable for everyone.  He focuses on some specific and global risk examples.   Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles by the article's conclusion.  Download the article here.

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Morehouse Force Training Courses

Morehouse offers force training courses and torque training, both virtual and in-person. Our training courses are multiple days and teach the participant the fundamentals of force calibration. The force training course is excellent for all skill levels as we cover what matters most and what many people get wrong (measurement errors, troubleshooting, adapters, uncertainty, technique).  Find information on force training courses here.

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How Low Can My Load Cell Go?

So, how low can my load cell go? Like the Limbo, everything has a point where going lower is impossible. In this article,  "How Low Can My Load Cell Go?" Morehouse Instrument Company President Henry Zumbrun provides three things to consider regarding measurement uncertainty when you ask how low your load cell can go.  The article appeared in Cal Lab:  the International Journal of Metrology (January, February, March 2024).  Read it here.

Read other articles and blogs by Henry Zumbrun here.

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Capability Statement for Morehouse Instrument Company. Cage code 90562. Simple One-Page Statement for Morehouse. Morehouse Instrument Company’s in-house manufacturing facility can build equipment to your specifications. Our ISO/IEC 17025, ANSI/NCSLI Z540.1 & .3 accredited calibration services use primary standards to obtain the lowest uncertainties (10-50 times lower than most service providers) possible.

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Download the paper the new dimension to resolution

The new dimension to resolution paper. This paper stresses the importance of considering the unit under test resolution in a measurement uncertainty budget. Download our new dimension to resolution paper here.

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Converting a mV/V Load Cell Signal into Engineering Units can be Easy

Converting a mV/V Load Cell Signal into Engineering Units is a common need in the industry. This paper discusses the pros and cons of how meters handle Converting a mV/V Load Cell Signal into Engineering Units. The paper discusses significant error sources and best practices for using an indicator with a mV/V signal, and we offer guidance on some indicators that can convert that signal into engineering units.

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The top 4 Common Measurement Errors in Weighing

A paper on the Common Measurement Errors in Weighing. Anyone calibrating or using crane scales, load cells, dynamometers, truck scales, and aircraft scales will benefit from learning about the various common errors in weighing. Download our Common Errors in Weighing paper here.

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Why a 4 to 1 TUR is Not Enough: The Importance of Analyzing the Probability of False Accept Risk

Why a 4 to 1 TUR is Not Enough: The Importance of Analyzing the Probability of False Accept Risk: Several organizations and publications reference or insist on maintaining a 4 to 1 TUR (Test Uncertainty Ratio) without understanding the level of risk that they may be subjecting themselves to. The general thought is that if the lab performing the calibrations has standards at least four times better than what they are calibrating, everything will be good. This paper discusses TUR, PFA Risk, and why the location of the measurement matters. We will discuss two managed risk guard banding methods (5 & 6) in the ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 Handbook. We will show that a 4 to 1 TUR is insufficient and can result in a 50 % risk. Check out our blog post on TUR here.

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An Introduction to the Differences Between ASTM E74 and ISO 376 the Two Most Recognized Force Standards

An Introduction to the Differences Between ASTM E74 and ISO 376, the Two Most Recognized Force Standards: The differences Between ASTM E74 and ISO 376 can be confusing. Morehouse has been performing both ASTM E74 and ISO 376 calibrations for more than fifteen years. We have been calibrating in accordance with the ASTM E74 standard since its introduction in 1974 and performing ISO 376 calibrations since sometime in early 2000. Until recently, we assumed that the rest of the world and the force community knew that the standards were completely different and that either standard could not be substituted for another. This paper explains those differences in more detail.

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What is Measurement Risk?

What is measurement risk? Measurement decision risk is the probability that an incorrect decision will result from a measurement. Are you telling your customers instrument passes without considering measurement uncertainty? If taken to court, are your measurement defensible? This paper examines the proper way to make statements of compliance. Download our Measurement Risk paper here.

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Uncertainty Propagation for Force Calibration Systems

Have trouble understanding Uncertainty Propagation for Force measurement and how to put together a budget? This paper examines all of the components required to put together a full calibration and measurement capability (CMC) reviewed by Accreditation Bodies for your scope. This Uncertainty Propagation guide to calculating force measurement uncertainties & was published in Cal Lab magazine. Download our Uncertainty Propagation for Force paper here.

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Analyzing the Effects of Reducing the Ending Zero vs Ignoring the Trailing Zero on Measurement Instruments Used for Force Calibration (2014)

Analyzing the Effects of Reducing the Ending Zero vs Ignoring the Trailing Zero on Measurement Instruments Used for Force Calibration (2014): ASTM E74 Method A and Method B—for the treatment of reducing the ending zero. Method A defines the deflection calculation as the difference between the deflection at an applied force and the initial reading at zero force. The article was written by Henry Zumbrun for Cal Lab Magazine 2014.

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Load Cell Dual-range Calibration - Force Potential Measurement Error (2016)

Load cell dual-range calibration errors happen when a load cell is not loaded to full capacity. The molecules inside the load cell do not react potentially causing an increased error. What you need to know about molecule excitement decline and dual-range calibrations. Article from Test Magazine May 2016 issue.

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Force Calibration Guidance for Beginners

Force Calibration Guidance for Beginners: If you are new to force calibration or metrology, the information can be overwhelming. This Force Calibration Guidance simplifies everything you need to know. Since force calibration is mechanical in nature, there are many factors to consider. Force Calibration Guidance for Beginners provides a basic understanding of force calibration, the methods and instruments used, industry standards, and best practices.

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ISO 376 Uncertainty Guidance on Measurements Relating to Force Equipment

There is a common misconception about equipment “being compliant” with ISO 376.  Many struggle with how to use an ISO 376 calibration and put together an uncertainty budget.  ISO 376 Uncertainty Guidance simplifies everything. ISO 376 Uncertainty Guidance provides guidance for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in the calibration of force-measuring instruments to support CMC in the scope of accreditation and calibration and/or measurement certificates/reports.

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Potential Measurement Errors in Force Calibration

Potential Measurement Errors in Force Calibration: This article covers the most common errors one must know when making calibrating force instrumentation.

Potential Measurement Errors in Force Calibration in published test magazine from Oct-Nov 2015 issue.

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Load Cell Troubleshooting Guidance

Morehouse technicians have seen many different load cell issues and have lots of experience identifying and fixing the problems. With this experience, we developed a 7-Step Process for Load Cell Troubleshooting, which will reduce the hours wasted troubleshooting a nonworking load cell to diagnose the problem. Load Cell Troubleshooting Guidance is a must-read for any technician. Click here to download the load cell troubleshooting guidance document.

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Force Calibration Adapters Guidance

Force Calibration Adapters Guidance: Force-measuring instruments are susceptible to errors from improper adapters, misalignment, and not exercising the instrument to full capacity.

Force Calibration Adapters Guidance guides replicating how the force-measuring instrument is used, keeping the line of force-free from eccentric error, and overcoming safety concerns with old adapters.

Several force measurement errors can result from using adapters different from those with which the force measuring instrument was calibrated. The basic premise is that mechanical measurements are being made.

Most adapters used at a laboratory level will be manufactured to keep the line force-free from eccentric error and apply the same stresses from the adapter interface to the force-measuring instrument done during calibration.

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Guidance on Uncertainty Budgets for Force Measuring Devices - A2LA

Guidance on Uncertainty Budgets for Force Measuring Devices - A2LA: This provides guidelines for identifying all significant contributions to measurement uncertainty in the calibration of force-measuring instruments. It serves as a means for laboratories to be compliant with A2LA R205 – Specific Requirements: Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Program.

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Calculating Force Uncertainty for a Morehouse Force Calibrating Machine

Calculating Force Uncertainty for force machines. This free document identifies all significant contributions to measurement uncertainty when using a force calibrating machine. Calculating Force Uncertainty describes what is needed to achieve a measurement uncertainty of better than 0.02 % of the applied force.

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3 Bar vs 2 Bar Universal Calibrating Machines Comparison Test

3 Bar vs 2 Bar Universal Calibrating Machines Comparison Test: This paper describes the difference between these two designs. The paper compares the repeatability and reproducibility characteristics and examines if there is a significant difference in the performance and measurement uncertainty between the two designs.

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The Design, Development, and Commissioning of a 2kNm Torque Standard Machine for Highly Accurate Torque Calibrations

The Design, Development, and Commissioning of a 2kNm Torque Standard Machine for Highly Accurate Torque Calibrations: This is a 2007 article detailing the world's second-most accurate torque machine at Morehouse. Here at Morehouse, we provide torque calibration from 1Nm to 2kNm. For more details on our torque calibration service, click here.

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Morehouse Terms of Sale

Morehouse Terms of Sale: This is a document that describes all of the legal requirements and best-recommended practices for doing business with Morehouse.

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Force Measurement Safety Guidance

Force Measurement Safety is a free-to-download pdf document on properly using force equipment to prevent accidents and improve safety. The Force Guidance can be downloaded here.

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Mechanical Tensiometer to Pacific Scientific Tensiometer Calibrator Data Sheet

Mechanical Tensiometer to Pacific Scientific Tensiometer Calibrator Data Sheet: This Tensiometer can also calibrate other manufacturers' tensiometers. In addition to tensiometers, the Morehouse machine can calibrate load cells, force gauges, tension links, and other force equipment under 2,000 lbf. Click here for more information.

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Ring Force Gauge Guide

Morehouse Ring Force Gauge Guide is a .pdf file with information about Morehouse ring force gauges for verification and calibration purposes.

The ring force gauge is a simple, reliable, and low-cost force measurement instrument for monitoring a measurement process, calibrating other force-measuring instruments, or verifying a machine in calibration. It is ideal for applications where high-accuracy certified load cells, proving rings, or digital force gages are not

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Aircraft Scale Calibration and Measurement Capability

Aircraft Scale Calibration and Measurement Capability; Scale Calibration for several aircraft scales requires one to replicate the footprint of the tire. Not doing so may produce out-of-tolerance conditions or a very high bias. Information on our aircraft scale calibration services can be found here.

This paper will describe our calibration process, including the calculations of our Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC), as it appears on our scope of accreditation.

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Morehouse Calibration Software Instruction Manual

Morehouse Calibration Software Instruction Manual The Morehouse calibration software manual discusses software installation, troubleshooting, and operation of Morehouse free-to-download software.

The manual discusses data acquisition using the coefficients from the calibration report. This is the most accurate method to obtain force measurement readings.

The mV/V readings are converted to force units, and as such, the "as found" data is always the same as the "as left," meaning adjustments are done using the coefficients from the calibration report.

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LAC 65.1 Best Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers

LAC 65.1 is currently in stock! This is an exceptionally stable and accurate amplifier with high versatility, the LAC Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers can help make your industrial control or automation system more effective. Download our datasheet here. For more information on our meters, click here.

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G501F Indicator Manual

G501F Indicator Manual: The Morehouse G501F is a single-channel load cell indicator for force measurement applications. It provides high value at a low cost, delivering reliable performance and high-resolution measurements. The portable unit can operate on AA Alkaline batteries, rechargeable batteries, or the AC adapter.  Download the manual here. For more information on the G501F indicator, click here.

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4215-HS Load Cell Indicator Manual

4215-HS Load Cell Indicator Manual: This manual explains the setup and operation of the Morehouse 4215HS. Click here to download the manual.

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4215 Plus Load Cell Indicator Manual

4215 Plus Load Cell Indicator Manual: Use the coefficients to convert mV/V into lbf, kgf, N, and eliminate span calibration errors when you use the calibration equation of several ASTM E74 & ISO 376 calibration reports. More information on our 4215 plus can be found here.

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4215 Plus Polynomial Instructions

4215 Plus Polynomial Instructions: Quick set of instructions for use to enter polynomial coefficients into the Morehouse 4215 plus indicator. More information on all of our meters can be found here.

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GB2 High Stability Gauge Buster Indicator Manual

GB2 High Stability Gauge Buster Indicator Manual: Below, the manual is attached. For more information on load cell meters that Morehouse offers, click here.

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LAC Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers Manual

Morehouse LAC load cell amplifier manual. If you are looking for a load cell amplifier, we believe this one is the best! If you are looking for other load cell indicators, please click here.

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PSD strain gauge indicator manual (2-pt span)

PSD strain gauge indicator manual. The PSD strain gauge indicator is a handheld device with 2 channels and a 2-pt span for each channel. Click here for more information on Morehouse strain gauge indicator options.

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Universal Calibrating Machine Manual

Morehouse Universal Calibrating Machine Manual: Morehouse Universal Calibrating Machines were originally developed to make use of the inherent high accuracy of Morehouse Proving Rings to calibrate working load cells. Today, calibrating machines are used extensively in industrial, government, and military laboratories, not only for the calibration of load cells but for calibrating force transducers, dynamometers, load rings, force links, and other force measurement devices.

Other Morehouse force calibrations to measure compressions and tension forces can be found here.

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Hydraulic Hand Pump and Jack Manual

Morehouse Hydraulic Hand Pump Morehouse UCM manual: The hydraulic jack is activated by a two-speed hand pump. It is a dual-volume design based on a double-diameter piston. An auxiliary screw piston (Vernier piston) is provided on the pump for the application of minute increments of force. The pump is connected to the hydraulic jack by means of a hydraulic hose assembly with a quick-disconnect coupling.

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Universal Hydraulic Power Control Manual

Morehouse Hydraulic Power Control Manual: This manual details the operation and maintenance of the Morehouse Machine. This manual can be found here.

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Auxiliary Hydraulic Screw Pump Manual

Auxiliary Hydraulic Screw Pump Manual: The manual for this Morehouse product. Click here to download the manual.

The Morehouse screw pump (P/N: 66-806) is set up to be used with the Morehouse hydraulic jack along with the existing hand pump or hydraulic power control. The screw pump can provide up to 0.15 inch of stroke on the 100,000-pound hydraulic jack. The screw pump is intended to maintain the load during testing and calibration and will allow the generation of decreasing loads.

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Portable Calibrating Machine Manual

The portable Calibrating Machine Manual is a manual for the operation and maintenance of the Morehouse portable calibrating machine (PCM). This machine is designed for low-force applications of up to 2,000 lbf of force. The machine is designed to eliminate the need for stacking weights and improving ergonomic issues.  The manual for Morehouse Portable Calibrating Machine can be found here.

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Cable Tensiometer Calibrator Manual

Cable Tensiometer Calibrator Manual for Morehouse Deadweight Cable Tensiometer. This is the most accurate cable tensiometer calibrator. The manual is available for download here.

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Universal Aircraft Scale Calibrator Manual

Morehouse Universal Aircraft Scale Calibrator Manual for calibration of aircraft and truck scales. More information on Morehouse Universal Scale Calibrator can be found here.

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Benchtop Calibrating Machine Manual

Benchtop Calibrating Machine Manual: The benchtop calibrating machine is accurate to better than 0.05 % of applied force and is used to calibrate force-measuring instruments up to 10,000 lbf. More information on our force machines can be found here.

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Ring Force Gauge Manual

Ring Force Gauge Manual: The Ring Force Gauge is relatively simple to operate. If maximum accuracy is desired, the Ring Force Gauge should be placed near the location where it is to be used and allowed to stabilize at the ambient temperature that will prevail during use. Deviations from the temperature at which the Ring Force Gauge was calibrated will cause errors of approximately 1% for every 70 degrees F

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Digital Ring Force Gauge Manual

The Digital Ring Force Gauge Manual is Attached Below:

The Digital Ring Force Gauge is relatively simple to operate. If maximum accuracy is desired, the Digital Ring Force Gauge should be placed near the location where it is to be used and allowed to stabilize at the ambient temperature that will prevail during use. Deviations from the temperature at which the Digital Ring Force Gauge was calibrated will cause errors of approximately 1% for every 70 degrees F.

A Digital Ring Force Gauge consists of a load ring that deflects under compressive or tensile forces. The deflection of the ring is continuously measured by a digital indicator mounted inside the ring. The indicator is programmed by the Morehouse primary force calibration laboratory and interprets the deflection values to direct calibrated force values and displays on the digital screen. The indicator displays the force in the engineering units as specified by the user at the time of purchase.

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Proving Ring Manual

Our Morehouse Proving Ring Manual: Morehouse Proving Rings are recognized as the premier force standard wherever highly accurate force calibrations are performed. This reputation has been earned by uncompromising conformance to the standards originally established and maintained by the United States National Institute of Standards & Technology.

Anyone wanting to learn more about Morehouse Proving Rings should visit our Proving Ring Page here.

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Load Cell Sensor Calibration Easy to Understand Infographic

Morehouse can help lower your load cell sensor measurement uncertainty by calibrating these force sensors using standards up to 20 times more accurate than commercial calibration laboratories. Please click here for more information on our cell sensor calibration services. Click here for a list of the available sensors we offer for sale.

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Wireless Load Cell Solves Access Challenge

Morehouse Wireless Load Cell: Morehouse can provide a wireless cell or convert any load cell into wireless with different interface options. A wired interface to a load cell can present several challenges in environments that span large areas. Therefore a wireless cell might be beneficial. To learn more about our wireless options, please contact sales @ To read a case study on a full wireless cell solution with adapters, please click here.

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Remedy for Side Loading and Too Many Adapters

Remedy for Side Loading and Too Many Adapters: What happens when a load cell experiences side loading? This case study examines how too many adapters can contribute to side loading problems and, ultimately, high errors. Morehouse focuses on how to eliminate excess adapters and use the proper adapters to minimize side loading errors. Our case study can be found by clicking here.

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Morehouse Calibrator (Legacy) - Verification Made Easy

Morehouse Verification Sheet for Legacy Software: This is a one-sheet verification for the Morehouse Calibrator legacy software. The verification verifies the software converts the mV/V values properly.

The end-user must still verify they have entered the coefficients correctly. The sheet provides the verification documentation necessary for audits.

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Morehouse Calibration Software

Morehouse Calibration Software

New Release Page (click to visit)
Instruction Manual (click to download)

Morehouse calibration software allows readings from any number of Morehouse indicators that have a communication output (USB or serial). If multiple indicators are used, their values can be added together to show a total value.

The software displays values by converting the readings from the indicator(s) using the calibration coefficients (typically from ASTM E74 or ISO 376 calibrations). Additionally, the software can do the unit conversion (between force units and mass units), and mass conversion, and adjust the resolution at the values shown.


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Morehouse Force Software Verification

Morehouse force software verification Excel sheet. The Excel sheet verifies the force software from Morehouse. The sheet includes formulas and screenshots to prove the Morehouse force calibration does what it should. Download our force verification sheet for force verification.

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Morehouse Easy to Use Software to Read Two Indicators at the Same Time

Software for reading two indicators at the same time

V1.3.5: Force calibration software for use with Morehouse 4215, HADI, or DSC-USB Indicators. Read two indicators at the same time.

The software uses coefficients from ASTM E74 calibration and displays engineering units as well as capturing data with a remote control device and pausing readings etc..,

Reporting section helps with ASTM E4 field calibrations.  Must have Morehouse 4215, HADI, or DSC-USB indicator to use this software.

The software is designed to work with Morehouse indicators, Dual Channel 4215, 4215 HS, 4215, 4215 plus, HADI, and the DSC USB.

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Morehouse Torque Installer Software

Morehouse Torque Installer Software V1.2:

The torque installer software is the universal version for torque calibration which allows for lbf ft and N m coefficients to be entered.  PEAK HOLD and new windows 8/10 drivers on this version. Inverse B0 coefficients.

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Easy to Use Tool for Calculating Expanded Uncertainty Per Point at the time of Calibration

Easy to Use Tool for Calculating Expanded Uncertainty Per Point at the time of Calibration

Want to know how we are calculating expanded uncertainty on force and torque certificates? This spreadsheet has all of the formulas that comply with ILAC-P14:09/2020 ILAC Policy for Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration at the time of calibration. The calculation for expanded uncertainty is drastically simplified and easily explained with this tool.

Calculating Expanded Uncertainty

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ASTM E74 Coefficient Calculator

The ASTM E74 Coefficient Calculator is free software from Morehouse to help calculate higher-order coefficients per ASTM E74 and ISO 376.  E74 Coefficient Calculator contains macros because it uses visual basic coding to generate the coefficients.

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Easy to Use Resolution, TUR, and Measurement Risk Calculator

Measurement Risk Calculator: This calculator was presented at the A2LA tech forum and NCSLI; this easy-to-use Calculator tool allows one to determine the effect of the resolution of an instrument on the overall measurement uncertainty and risk. One can use this tool to analyze the effects on TUR and measurement risk as well. Check out all of our spreadsheets here.

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Method B Interpolated Zero Calculator

Method B Interpolated Zero Calculator: Use this free calculator to easily interpolate the ending zero throughout your dataset. Compliant with ASTM E74 Method B and ISO 376 for ending zero reduction. Download the Calculator tool by clicking here 

Method B Interpolated Zero Calculator

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Probability of False Accept (PFA) Worksheet (Method 5 and 6)

Probability of False Accept (PFA) Worksheet: Probability of False Accept - Free Excel Worksheet. Decision Rules can be difficult to understand, but this worksheet will help. Use this tool to input parameters such as accuracy requirement, resolution, measurement uncertainty, and repeatability with other error sources. It will help make decisions on equipment, such as: Should I buy a device with better resolution? Do I need my calibration provider to have better measurement uncertainty than what I am getting? It also provides different Methods, using different decision rules (Method 5 and 6). The PFA calculator contains macros.

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Load Cells Load Tables

Load Cells Load Tables: Here is a Spreadsheet. When working with ASTM E4, sometimes it's easier to have printed tables that have set to force points.

Load Cells Load Tables

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Proving Rings Load Tables

Proving Ring Load Tables spreadsheet to print load tables for Proving Rings. This is used for ASTM E74 calibrations where the end-user does not want to use a computer and wants to print tables to interpolate force points. The load tables sheet can be downloaded here.

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Proving Rings Used as Standards in Morehouse UCM

Proving Rings Used as Standards is a free Excel sheet to correct for temperature and tare weight when using Morehouse Proving Rings. Calibration load points for Proving Rings as standards in a Morehouse UCM. Click here to download the Proving Rings Standards Excel sheet.

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Morehouse A and B Coefficients for Load Cells (Maximum of 12 Pages)

Morehouse A and B Coefficients for Load Cells:

This free Load table generator for Morehouse A and B Coefficients is found on calibration certificates. This useful tool allows you to print load tables

A and B Coefficients for Load Cells

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Force Conversion LBF to KGF and N

Force Conversion LBF to KGF and N

Force Conversion Spreadsheet to Convert LBF to KGF and N for Calibration load points in compression and tension.

The proper way to express torque units is lbf·ft or N·m | Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.

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Force Calibration Made Easy Part 1

Force Calibration Made Easy helps anyone new to metrology to understand the basics of force measurement.  Even seasoned metrologists may learn something new from force calibration for beginners part 1. Morehouse Instrument Company has shared tremendous knowledge throughout the years with blogs, technical papers, and webinars. This education aligns with our purpose to create a safer world by helping companies improve their force and torque measurements. To simplify things, this two-part article was written to help anyone new to force measurement. Click here to read part 1.

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#force calibration made easy


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Obsolete - DFGPP Manual

Obsolete - DFGPP Manual

The manual is attached below.

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Obsolete - Proving Ring Electric Reed Vibrator Manual (Series 1000 Morehouse Proving Rings)

Obsolete - Proving Ring Electric Reed Vibrator Manual

Below is an operation and instruction manual for the obsolete proving ring electric reed vibrator. Newer proving rings are made with a digital indicator. Older proving rings can be upgraded to digital by replacing the internal micrometer, dial, read, and electric red vibrator.

More information on our digital rings and retrofit options can be found here.

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Obsolete - CellMite Digital Signal Conditioners Manual (Model 4325A)

Obsolete - CellMite Digital Signal Conditioners Manual

This info is kept for anyone needing it. We have much better solutions for those needing an indicator for their load cell. USB solutions, Software solutions. Please click here for a list of indicators we currently offer

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Obsolete - Gauge Buster Plus Manual

Gauge Buster Plus Manual - The older version is here for reference. This manual will detail the operation of the Gauge Buster. Better indicators are available and found here.

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Obsolete - Gauge Buster 2 Manual

Obsolete - Gauge Buster 2 Manual

The Obsolete manual is attached below

The Obsolete Gauge Buster (2) Plus Manual can be found here

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Obsolete - Bulletin 271-18 UCM Accessories and Adapters

Obsolete - Bulletin 271-18 UCM Accessories and Adapters

This is a catalog of obsolete Bulletin 271-18 UCM accessories and adapters.

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Obsolete Version - Morehouse Software Installation Instructions for DSC, 4215, and HADI

Obsolete Version - Morehouse Software Installation Instructions for DSC, 4215, and HADI

Installation instructions for Morehouse software. This software uses the B coefficients from the calibration report and converts the mV/V readings into engineering units. The coefficient files must be changed every time a new certificate is issued. This software helps automate the calibration process and is used with the Morehouse 4215, HADI, and DSC indicators.

Morehouse Software Installation Instructions for DSC, 4215, and HADI

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Obsolete Version - Morehouse software download for 4215, HADI, and DSC-USB indicators for use with a single indicator

Morehouse Software Download

Here is a link to legacy software that is no longer supported. We recommend downloading our new software for the DSC, HADI, 4215, and other indicators. The Morehouse Software Download can be found here.

The new DSC-USB, as well as the 4215 plus indicators, may need additional configurations if they are to work with this legacy software.

V1.4.2: This is the universal version that allows for LBF, KGF, N, and kN coefficients to be entered.  PEAK HOLD and new Windows 8/10 drivers on this version. Inverse B0 coefficients. This software was retired in 2020.

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