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#1 CMC Calculation Made Easy Tool for Force Uncertainty

Are you having trouble figuring out all of the requirements for calculating a CMC for force uncertainty or torque uncertainty? This Excel sheet provides a template for calculating CMCs and explains everything required to pass an ISO/IEC 17025 audit. It took us hours to develop and is unlocked for anyone to have the tools needed to use this sheet or create their own. For additional uncertainty guidance, please read our Calculating Force Uncertainty for a Morehouse Force Calibrating Machine here.

Force Uncertainty

Morehouse Free Uncertainty Spreadsheet to Calculate Calibration and Measurement Capability Uncertainty

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Measurement Risk and TUR Calculator Tool - 1 Simple-to-Use Tool

Measurement Risk and TUR Calculator Tool - 1 Simple-to-Use Tool: Decision Rules can be difficult to understand, and this worksheet will help simplify things by focusing on measurement risk.

The Morehouse Measurement Risk TUR tool will cure those measurement headaches allowing anyone to calculate TUR properly and Measurement Risk Correctly. Use this tool to input parameters such as accuracy requirement, resolution, measurement uncertainty, TUR, and repeatability with other error sources.

The TUR calculator will calculate how good the reference standard uncertainty needs to be to maintain test uncertainty (TUR) ratios and will allow the end-user to input their own risk tolerances. The TUR Calculator can be found here.

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Easy to Use Mass to Force Conversion Tool

The Mass to Force Conversion tool solves issues with results not agreeing because the same units are not being used. This spreadsheet tool was created to help with your force needs.

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ASTM E74 Load Cell Selection Guide

ASTM E74 Load Cell Selection Guide: Need to know what 0.005 % and 0.01 % of full scale means when calibrating to a specified standard such as ASTM E74? This spreadsheet breaks these numbers down into a % of reading at various force points throughout the calibration range. The ASTM E74 load cell selection guide is a free Excel spreadsheet designed to simplify the selection of ASTM E74 cells. Click here to download the load cells selection guide.

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Morehouse Force Software Verification

Morehouse force software verification Excel sheet. The Excel sheet verifies the force software from Morehouse. The sheet includes formulas and screenshots to prove the Morehouse force calibration does what it should. Download our force verification sheet for force verification.

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Easy to Use Tool for Calculating Expanded Uncertainty Per Point at the time of Calibration

Easy to Use Tool for Calculating Expanded Uncertainty Per Point at the time of Calibration

Want to know how we are calculating expanded uncertainty on force and torque certificates? This spreadsheet has all of the formulas that comply with ILAC-P14:09/2020 ILAC Policy for Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration at the time of calibration. The calculation for expanded uncertainty is drastically simplified and easily explained with this tool.

Calculating Expanded Uncertainty

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ASTM E74 Coefficient Calculator

The ASTM E74 Coefficient Calculator is free software from Morehouse to help calculate higher-order coefficients per ASTM E74 and ISO 376.  E74 Coefficient Calculator contains macros because it uses visual basic coding to generate the coefficients.

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Easy to Use Resolution, TUR, and Measurement Risk Calculator

Measurement Risk Calculator: This calculator was presented at the A2LA tech forum and NCSLI; this easy-to-use Calculator tool allows one to determine the effect of the resolution of an instrument on the overall measurement uncertainty and risk. One can use this tool to analyze the effects on TUR and measurement risk as well. Check out all of our spreadsheets here.

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Method B Interpolated Zero Calculator

Method B Interpolated Zero Calculator: Use this free calculator to easily interpolate the ending zero throughout your dataset. Compliant with ASTM E74 Method B and ISO 376 for ending zero reduction. Download the Calculator tool by clicking here 

Method B Interpolated Zero Calculator

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Probability of False Accept (PFA) Worksheet (Method 5 and 6)

Probability of False Accept (PFA) Worksheet: Probability of False Accept - Free Excel Worksheet. Decision Rules can be difficult to understand, but this worksheet will help. Use this tool to input parameters such as accuracy requirement, resolution, measurement uncertainty, and repeatability with other error sources. It will help make decisions on equipment, such as: Should I buy a device with better resolution? Do I need my calibration provider to have better measurement uncertainty than what I am getting? It also provides different Methods, using different decision rules (Method 5 and 6). The PFA calculator contains macros.

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Load Cells Load Tables

Load Cells Load Tables: Here is a Spreadsheet. When working with ASTM E4, sometimes it's easier to have printed tables that have set to force points.

Load Cells Load Tables

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Proving Rings Load Tables

Proving Ring Load Tables spreadsheet to print load tables for Proving Rings. This is used for ASTM E74 calibrations where the end-user does not want to use a computer and wants to print tables to interpolate force points. The load tables sheet can be downloaded here.

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Proving Rings Used as Standards in Morehouse UCM

Proving Rings Used as Standards is a free Excel sheet to correct for temperature and tare weight when using Morehouse Proving Rings. Calibration load points for Proving Rings as standards in a Morehouse UCM. Click here to download the Proving Rings Standards Excel sheet.

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Morehouse A and B Coefficients for Load Cells (Maximum of 12 Pages)

Morehouse A and B Coefficients for Load Cells:

This free Load table generator for Morehouse A and B Coefficients is found on calibration certificates. This useful tool allows you to print load tables

A and B Coefficients for Load Cells

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Force Conversion LBF to KGF and N

Force Conversion LBF to KGF and N

Force Conversion Spreadsheet to Convert LBF to KGF and N for Calibration load points in compression and tension.

The proper way to express torque units is lbf·ft or N·m | Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.

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