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Morehouse Calculation Guidance

Calculation Guidance Book Available

Understanding calibration calculations can be challenging, as not all calculations on calibration certificates are straightforward. Different companies often use varying math equations, resulting in different outcomes. This new comprehensive guide, co-authored by Henry Zumbrun, president,  and Zach Shearer,  software developer, aims to demystify some common math equations found on Morehouse calibration certificates.

This book, Morehouse Calculation Guidance, was written to help readers achieve accurate and consistent results in their calibration processes.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, this guide is designed to make complex calculations easier to understand and apply.  Morehouse Calculation Guidance is written to simplify what we do to make things easier for clients to reproduce similar results. Not everything is captured in the book, though it is a great starting point.

Morehouse Calculation Guidance features detailed explanations of many calculations, including non-linearity, hysteresis, and non-repeatability calculations, and clear examples to illustrate each type of calculation.

Download your free copy here.

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Decision Rule Guidance, 1st Edition 2024

Download your free "Decision Rule Guidance, 1st Edition 2024" copy here.  This guidebook is written by Henry Zumbrun of Morehouse Instrument Company, Greg Cenker of Indysoft, and Dilip Shah of E = mc3 Solutions. It provides foundational knowledge and practical calculations for using decision rules in measurement uncertainty.

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Mass to Force Guidance

Mass to Force Guidance: Using mass weights not adjusted for force can result in a large measurement error. The two major measurement parameters typically affected are force and torque. Any measurement involving force should use force. There are acceptable formulas for correcting mass weights to force to enable companies who use mass for these applications to apply known forces. We created this mass-to-force guidance document to help reduce measurement errors associated with using mass weights for applications involving force.

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Force Calibration Guidance for Beginners

Force Calibration Guidance for Beginners: If you are new to force calibration or metrology, the information can be overwhelming. This Force Calibration Guidance simplifies everything you need to know. Since force calibration is mechanical in nature, there are many factors to consider. Force Calibration Guidance for Beginners provides a basic understanding of force calibration, the methods and instruments used, industry standards, and best practices.

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Force Calibration Guidance - Conditions Methods and Systems that Impact Force

Force Calibration Guidance for Technicians and Quality Managers covers more advanced force calibration topics, including loading conditions, adapters, verification of the adjustments, indicators, measurement uncertainty, and selecting the right calibration method. This force guidance will help anyone correct force measurement errors, resulting in better force measurements.

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ISO 376 Uncertainty Guidance on Measurements Relating to Force Equipment

There is a common misconception about equipment “being compliant” with ISO 376.  Many struggle with how to use an ISO 376 calibration and put together an uncertainty budget.  ISO 376 Uncertainty Guidance simplifies everything. ISO 376 Uncertainty Guidance provides guidance for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in the calibration of force-measuring instruments to support CMC in the scope of accreditation and calibration and/or measurement certificates/reports.

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Load Cell Troubleshooting Guidance

Morehouse technicians have seen many different load cell issues and have lots of experience identifying and fixing the problems. With this experience, we developed a 7-Step Process for Load Cell Troubleshooting, which will reduce the hours wasted troubleshooting a nonworking load cell to diagnose the problem. Load Cell Troubleshooting Guidance is a must-read for any technician. Click here to download the load cell troubleshooting guidance document.

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Force Calibration Adapters Guidance

Force Calibration Adapters Guidance: Force-measuring instruments are susceptible to errors from improper adapters, misalignment, and not exercising the instrument to full capacity.

Force Calibration Adapters Guidance provides guidance for replicating how the force-measuring instrument is used, keeping the line of force free from eccentric error, and overcoming safety concerns with old adapters.

Several force measurement errors can result from using adapters different from what the force measuring instrument was calibrated with. The basic premise is that mechanical measurements are being made.

Most adapters used at a laboratory level will be manufactured to keep the line force-free from eccentric error and apply the same stresses from the adapter interface to the force measuring instrument that was done at the time of calibration.

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Guidance on Uncertainty Budgets for Force Measuring Devices - A2LA

Guidance on Uncertainty Budgets for Force Measuring Devices - A2LA: This provides guidelines for identifying all significant contributions to measurement uncertainty in the calibration of force-measuring instruments. It serves as a means for laboratories to be compliant with A2LA R205 – Specific Requirements: Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Program.

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Calculating Force Uncertainty for a Morehouse Force Calibrating Machine

Calculating Force Uncertainty for force machines. This free document identifies all significant contributions to measurement uncertainty when using a force calibrating machine. Calculating Force Uncertainty describes what is needed to achieve a measurement uncertainty of better than 0.02 % of the applied force.

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Force Measurement Safety Guidance

Force Measurement Safety is a free-to-download pdf document on properly using force equipment to prevent accidents and improve safety. The Force Guidance can be downloaded here.

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Shear Web Load Cell Selection Guide

Shear Web Load Cell Selection Guide: Have problems selecting the right load cell? Our load cell selection guide walks you through the process of selecting the right load cell for your needs, whether a calibration standard for ASTM E74 and ISO 376 calibrations, ISO 7500, or ASTM E4, or maybe a load cell to measure force in a press, machine, or any other application. Check out our load cells here.

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Ultra Precision Shear Web Load Cell

Ultra Precision Shear Web Load Cell: This Load Cell is the premiere load cell for ASTM E74 Class AA and ISO 376 Class 00 calibrations.

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Precision Shear Web Load Cell

Precision Shear Web Load Cell: This is the premiere load cell for ASTM E4 Class A and ISO 376 Class 0.5 calibrations. For more information, click here.

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Calibration Shear Web Load Cell

Calibration Shear Web Load Cell: This is the best value load cell for ASTM E4 Class A and ISO 376 Class 1 calibrations. For more information on selecting the right load cell, click here.

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600k Mini Load Cell - #1 Lightweight E4 Calibration Load Cell

600k Mini Load Cell - #1 Lightweight E4 Calibration Load Cell: Why carry heavy load cells and hurt your back when there is a high-performance (0.01 % of full scale) alternative that weighs 26 lbs (12.5 kgs)? This mini 600k load cell is perfect for ASTM E4 calibrations on compression testing machines. For more information, download our datasheet here.

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High Capacity Load Cell Multi Column

Morehouse High Capacity Load Cells: These are the perfect fit for ASTM E7 and ISO 7500 calibrations. They can be used as reference standards for ASTM E74 and ISO 376 as well as they are known to be better than 0.01 % of full scale on most modes.

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Single-Column Compression and Tension Load Cell

Single-Column Compression and Tension Load Cell: Morehouse Compression & Tension Cell. These load cells are known to be better than 0.02 % of full scale. They are an economical choice for ASTM E4 and ISO 7500 calibrations.

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Low Capacity Load Cell

Low Capacity Load Cell. Morehouse has several options to help choose a cell with low capacity. Our load cell with low capacity is known to be better than 0.02 % of full scale. For more information, please visit our load cell low capacity page here.

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Compact Compression Load Cells

Morehouse Compact Compression Load Cells fit in small spaces with excellent performance. Most achieve well better than 0.01 % of full-scale accuracy. Morehouse Compact Compression Cells have extremely low uncertainties when calibrated with Morehouse Deadweight primary standards. For more information, please click here to download our specification sheet.

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Force Calibration Setups and Adapters

Morehouse Force Calibration Setups and Adapters: These show the proper way to align load cells with the right adapters to minimize loading errors and improve reproducibility. In force calibration, the wrong adapters and setups can produce errors 20 - 50 times of what is expected.

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Universal Calibrating Machine

The Morehouse Universal Calibrating Machine: This machine is a tested 50-year-plus force machine capable of calibrating load cells, force gauges, crane scales, tension links, and almost all force-measuring instrumentation. For more information about this and several other Morehouse machines, please click here.

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Universal Calibrating Machine Adapters and Accessories

Universal Calibrating Machine Adapters and Accessories: Calibration accessories and adapters for the Morehouse UCM machine. Please visit here.

Morehouse has created multiple adapters and accessories for the Universal Calibrating Machine to meet specific customer application requirements. These have been designed to provide proper loading, alignment, and measurement accuracy.

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Compression and Tension Adapters

Compression and Tension Adapters: Adapters are needed to minimize errors. Our Morehouse Guide for locating the correct adapter for your application can be found @  Compression-and-Tension-Adapters-PG-5943.pdf

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Deadweight Primary Standard Calibrating Machine

Deadweight Primary Standard Calibrating Machine: These Deadweight Machines are accurate or known to be within 0.002 % of applied force. They are the most-accurate machine to measure forces and calibrate load cells meeting  ISO 376 Class 00 & ASTM Class AA requirements. To learn more, please visit here.

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Portable Calibrating Machine

The Morehouse Portable Calibrating Machine (PCM) eliminates the need to stack weights and improves ergonomic issues. For more information, please visit here.

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Portable Calibrator Machine PCM

Portable Calibrator Machine PCM: This machine offers a safer and faster way to calibrate low-capacity force instruments  (under 2000 lbf). The machine is designed to eliminate manual lifting weights to calibrate several load cells. Most commonly, S-type load cells.

More information on the Morehouse Portable Calibrator Machine is found here 

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Benchtop Calibrating Machine V2

Benchtop Calibrating Machine V2: Morehouse Benchtop Calibrating Machine for force instruments under 10,000 lbf is an easy-to-use compact machine used for force calibration. The machine can achieve better than 0.05 % of applied force and is suitable for calibrating load cells, crane scales, force gauges, and other force-measuring instrumentation. For more information, please visit

The machine has a robust design, easy operation, and smooth force control even at maximum capacity.

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Mechanical Tensiometer Calibrator

Mechanical Tensiometer Calibrator: Our portable calibrator is perfect for calibrating instruments under 2,000 lbf, such as cable tensiometers, load cells, force gauges, and more. Please visit here.

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Mechanical Tensiometer to Pacific Scientific Tensiometer Calibrator Data Sheet

Mechanical Tensiometer to Pacific Scientific Tensiometer Calibrator Data Sheet: This Tensiometer can also calibrate other manufacturers' tensiometers. In addition to tensiometers, the Morehouse machine can calibrate load cells, force gauges, tension links, and other force equipment under 2,000 lbf. Click here for more information.

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Ring Force Gauge Guide

Morehouse Ring Force Gauge Guide is a .pdf file with information about Morehouse ring force gauges for verification and calibration purposes.

The ring force gauge is a simple, reliable, and low-cost force measurement instrument for monitoring a measurement process, calibrating other force-measuring instruments, or verifying a machine in calibration. It is ideal for applications where high-accuracy certified load cells, proving rings, or digital force gages are not

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G501F Digital Load Indicator

G501F Digital Load Indicator: This Digital Load Indicator is a simple-to-use load cell indicator that can be used with a single compression and tension load cell. The meter offers a low cost and high value having over 5 span points to pair with almost any digital force-measuring device. Click here to learn more about the G501F Digital Load Indicator and other Morehouse Load Indicators.

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4215-HS Load Cell Indicator

4215-HS Load Cell Indicator: This indicator is a high-stability version of the 4215. Many rebrand and sell this meter, though not all have the upgraded stability version. Click here for more information.

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4215 Plus Load Cell Indicator

Morehouse 4215 Plus Load Cell Indicator: This indicator uses the B coefficients from the calibration reports to display lbf, kgf, N. This is a first for this type of meter. To learn more, please visit here.

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Morehouse Calibration Software Instruction Manual

Morehouse Calibration Software Instruction Manual The Morehouse calibration software manual discusses software installation, troubleshooting, and operation of Morehouse free-to-download software.

The manual discusses data acquisition using the coefficients from the calibration report. This is the most accurate method to obtain force measurement readings.

The mV/V readings are converted to force units, and as such, the "as found" data is always the same as the "as left," meaning adjustments are done using the coefficients from the calibration report.

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HADI High Accuracy Digital Indicator

Morehouse High Accuracy Digital Indicator: This indicator uses the USB computer port to power and reads almost any load cell. This 6-wire sensing analog-to-digital USB converter offers the use of our Morehouse direct reading software, with multiple load cell configurations, longer cables, and lower uncertainty. The High Accuracy Digital Indicator provides non-linearity less than 0.002 % of full scale, +/- 20-bit system, with 172 A/D conversions per second. Coefficients from fitted curves are used to convert mV/V to engineering units (lbf, kgf, and Newtons). Click here for more information.

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PSD Hand-Held Load Cell Indicator

Morehouse PSD Hand-Held Load Cell Indicator: This indicator runs on 2 AA batteries and is perfect for quick verification checks. The hand-held indicator is simple to use and has two channels. Looking for more information or another type of load cell indicator, please click here.

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DSC - USB Load Cell Indicator

DSC - USB Load Cell Indicator: This indicator from Morehouse is a compact, easy-to-use USB-powered load cell indicator. Suitable for calibration of load cells, testing machines, and other force or torque systems. Click here to learn more.

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LAC 65.1 Best Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers

LAC 65.1 is currently in stock! This is an exceptionally stable and accurate amplifier with high versatility, the LAC Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers can help make your industrial control or automation system more effective. Download our datasheet here. For more information on our meters, click here.

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G501F Indicator Manual

G501F Indicator Manual: The Morehouse G501F is a single-channel load cell indicator for force measurement applications. It provides high value at a low cost, delivering reliable performance and high-resolution measurements. The portable unit can operate on AA Alkaline batteries, rechargeable batteries, or the AC adapter.  Download the manual here. For more information on the G501F indicator, click here.

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4215-HS Load Cell Indicator Manual

4215-HS Load Cell Indicator Manual: This manual explains the setup and operation of the Morehouse 4215HS. Click here to download the manual.

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4215 Plus Load Cell Indicator Manual

4215 Plus Load Cell Indicator Manual: Use the coefficients to convert mV/V into lbf, kgf, N, and eliminate span calibration errors when you use the calibration equation of several ASTM E74 & ISO 376 calibration reports. More information on our 4215 plus can be found here.

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4215 Plus Polynomial Instructions

4215 Plus Polynomial Instructions: Quick set of instructions for use to enter polynomial coefficients into the Morehouse 4215 plus indicator. More information on all of our meters can be found here.

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GB2 High Stability Gauge Buster Indicator Manual

GB2 High Stability Gauge Buster Indicator Manual: Below, the manual is attached. For more information on load cell meters that Morehouse offers, click here.

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LAC Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers Manual

Morehouse LAC load cell amplifier manual. If you are looking for a load cell amplifier, we believe this one is the best! If you are looking for other load cell indicators, please click here.

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PSD strain gauge indicator manual (2-pt span)

PSD strain gauge indicator manual. The PSD strain gauge indicator is a handheld device with 2 channels and a 2-pt span for each channel. Click here for more information on Morehouse strain gauge indicator options.

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Universal Calibrating Machine Manual

Morehouse Universal Calibrating Machine Manual: Morehouse Universal Calibrating Machines were originally developed to make use of the inherent high accuracy of Morehouse Proving Rings to calibrate working load cells. Today, calibrating machines are used extensively in industrial, government, and military laboratories, not only for the calibration of load cells but for calibrating force transducers, dynamometers, load rings, force links, and other force measurement devices.

Other Morehouse force calibrations to measure compressions and tension forces can be found here.

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Hydraulic Hand Pump and Jack Manual

Morehouse Hydraulic Hand Pump Morehouse UCM manual: The hydraulic jack is activated by a two-speed hand pump. It is a dual-volume design based on a double-diameter piston. An auxiliary screw piston (Vernier piston) is provided on the pump for the application of minute increments of force. The pump is connected to the hydraulic jack by means of a hydraulic hose assembly with a quick-disconnect coupling.

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Universal Hydraulic Power Control Manual

Morehouse Hydraulic Power Control Manual: This manual details the operation and maintenance of the Morehouse Machine. This manual can be found here.

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Auxiliary Hydraulic Screw Pump Manual

Auxiliary Hydraulic Screw Pump Manual: The manual for this Morehouse product. Click here to download the manual.

The Morehouse screw pump (P/N: 66-806) is set up to be used with the Morehouse hydraulic jack along with the existing hand pump or hydraulic power control. The screw pump can provide up to 0.15 inch of stroke on the 100,000-pound hydraulic jack. The screw pump is intended to maintain the load during testing and calibration and will allow the generation of decreasing loads.

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Portable Calibrating Machine Manual

The portable Calibrating Machine Manual is a manual for the operation and maintenance of the Morehouse portable calibrating machine (PCM). This machine is designed for low-force applications of up to 2,000 lbf of force. The machine is designed to eliminate the need for stacking weights and improving ergonomic issues.  The manual for Morehouse Portable Calibrating Machine can be found here.

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Cable Tensiometer Calibrator Manual

Cable Tensiometer Calibrator Manual for Morehouse Deadweight Cable Tensiometer. This is the most accurate cable tensiometer calibrator. The manual is available for download here.

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Universal Aircraft Scale Calibrator Manual

Morehouse Universal Aircraft Scale Calibrator Manual for calibration of aircraft and truck scales. More information on Morehouse Universal Scale Calibrator can be found here.

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Benchtop Calibrating Machine Manual

Benchtop Calibrating Machine Manual: The benchtop calibrating machine is accurate to better than 0.05 % of applied force and is used to calibrate force-measuring instruments up to 10,000 lbf. More information on our force machines can be found here.

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Digital Proving Ring

Digital Proving Ring: This Morehouse device is a replacement for the 95-plus-year-old analog rings. The digital ring is easier to use and has better reproducibility. Please click here for more information.

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Easy to Use LCT Load Cell Tester

The Easy to LCT Load Cell Tester is perfect for quickly diagnosing load cell issues and saving money by diagnosing issues quickly. For more information on the Load Cell Tester, click here.

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Brinell Calibrator for ASTM E10

Brinell Calibrator for ASTM E10: ASTM E10 Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness references calibration and verification of the forces. The Morehouse Brinell Calibrator is a great device for force verification. More information on our Calibrator for ASTM E10 can be found here.

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Force Proficiency Test Rental Kit

The Morehouse Force Proficiency Test Rental Kit can help satisfy ISO/IEC 17025:2017, Section 7.7.2 requirement for interlaboratory comparisons. Our Force Proficiency Test Rental Kit is perfect if you need to satisfy your 4-year Proficiency Test requirement, if you need to validate your force measurement uncertainties, or need to prove the competence of a new technician. If you need more information, click here.

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Easy to Use Concrete Compression Machine Calibration Kit

Morehouse Concrete Compression Machine Calibration Kit: This kit is perfect for ASTM E4 calibration of testing machines. The Concrete Compression Machine Calibration Kit has several configurable options. Please click here for more information.

A List of Features:

  • Compression pads protect the loading platens of the concrete press
  • Alignment blocks produce more repeatable calibrations
  • Mini 600 klbf load cell or lighter carrying weight

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Quick Change Adapters for Tension Force Calibration

Morehouse Quick Change Adapters for Tension Force Calibration: This is based on ISO 376 specifications and simplifies Tension Calibration Setups for load cells, crane scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, and much more. For more information on our Quick Change Adapters for Tension and other adapters, please click here.

Calibrating force instruments in tension always requires proper adapters, and considering the vast diversity among force instrument configurations, a general calibration laboratory might need to acquire hundreds of different adapters to perform tension calibrations. Quick-Change Tension Adapter addresses this issue by providing a system that is convertible to almost all force instrument configurations using smaller intermediate adapters, which can be obtained at considerably lower cost

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Adaptable Clevis Kits 12k lbf Capacity

Morehouse Clevis Kits 12k lbf Capacity: The Morehouse Clevis Kits 12k lbf simplifies TensionSetups for crane scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, etc. Tension links can have huge errors from not using the correct pin size. These kits feature one set of clevises and multiple pins with various diameters, protective rollers for the pins subjected to concentrated loading from shackles, precision manufacturing to ensure levelness, alignment, and manufacturer’s specified pin diameters, can be used with Quick-Change Tension Members, and Adapters for improved alignment and easier setup, fast changeover between units under test by using the same clevis and changing the pins. All parts are rust-resistant. More information can be found here.

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Adaptable Clevis Kits 30k lbf Capacity

Morehouse Clevis Kits 30k lbf Capacity: Morehouse Clevis Kits 30k lbf simplifies TensionSetups for crane scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, etc. Tension links can have huge errors from not using the correct pin size. These kits feature one set of clevises and multiple pins with various diameters, protective rollers for the pins subjected to concentrated loading from shackles, precision manufacturing to ensure levelness, alignment, and manufacturer’s specified pin diameters, can be used with Quick-Change Tension Members, and Adapters for improved alignment and easier setup, fast changeover between units under test by using the same clevis and changing the pins. All parts are rust-resistant. More information can be found here.

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Adaptable Clevis Kits 60k lbf Capacity

Morehouse Clevis Kits 60k lbf Capacity: The Morehouse Clevis Kits 60k lbf simplifies TensionSetups for crane scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, etc. Tension links can have huge errors from not using the correct pin size. These kits feature one set of clevises and multiple pins with various diameters, protective rollers for the pins subjected to concentrated loading from shackles, precision manufacturing to ensure levelness, alignment, and manufacturer’s specified pin diameters, can be used with Quick-Change Tension Members, and Adapters for improved alignment and easier setup, fast changeover between units under test by using the same clevis and changing the pins. All parts are rust-resistant. More information can be found here.

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Adaptable Clevis Kits 120k lbf Capacity

Morehouse Clevis Kits 120k lbf Capacity: The Morehouse Clevis Kits 120k lbf simplifies TensionSetups for crane scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, etc. Tension links can have huge errors from not using the correct pin size. These kits feature one set of clevises and multiple pins with various diameters, protective rollers for the pins subjected to concentrated loading from shackles, precision manufacturing to ensure levelness, alignment, and manufacturer’s specified pin diameters, can be used with Quick-Change Tension Members, and Adapters for improved alignment and easier setup, fast changeover between units under test by using the same clevis and changing the pins. All parts are rust-resistant. More information can be found here.

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30k lbf Tension Adapter Value Kit

Morehouse 30k lbf Tension Adapter Value Kit: This Kit was based on ISO 376 specifications and simplifies Tension Calibration Setups for Load Cells, crane scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, and much more. For more information on our 30k lbf Tension Adapter Kit and other Kits, please click here.

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60k lbf Tension Adapter Value Kit

Morehouse 60k lbf Tension Adapter Value Kit: This was based on ISO 376 specifications and simplifies Tension Calibration Setups for Load Cells, Crane Scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, and much more. For more information on our 60k lbf Tension Adapter Kit and other Kits, please click here.

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120k lbf Tension Adapter Value Kit

Morehouse 120k lbf Tension Adapter Value kit: This kit was based on ISO 376 specifications and simplifies Tension Calibration Setups for load cells, crane scales, Tension Links, Dynamometers, and much more. For more information on our 120k lbf Tension Adapter kit and other kits, please click here.

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Miniature Load Cell Washer Adapters

Miniature Load Cell Washer Adapters: Miniature Load Cell (Washer Load Cell) Adapters from Morehouse improve performance by centering the miniature load cells eliminating parasitic errors. Learn more by clicking here.

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Miniature Button Load Cells Adapters

Button Load Cells Adapters can improve the performance of many Button Load Cells by a factor of 5. Morehouse has done testing, written articles, and made the best adapters to keep the line of force pure.  Our Button Load Cells adapters guide has more information and can be found here

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Ring Force Gauge Manual

Ring Force Gauge Manual: The Ring Force Gauge is relatively simple to operate. If maximum accuracy is desired, the Ring Force Gauge should be placed near the location where it is to be used and allowed to stabilize at the ambient temperature that will prevail during use. Deviations from the temperature at which the Ring Force Gauge was calibrated will cause errors of approximately 1% for every 70 degrees F

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Digital Ring Force Gauge Manual

The Digital Ring Force Gauge Manual is Attached Below:

The Digital Ring Force Gauge is relatively simple to operate. If maximum accuracy is desired, the Digital Ring Force Gauge should be placed near the location where it is to be used and allowed to stabilize at the ambient temperature that will prevail during use. Deviations from the temperature at which the Digital Ring Force Gauge was calibrated will cause errors of approximately 1% for every 70 degrees F.

A Digital Ring Force Gauge consists of a load ring that deflects under compressive or tensile forces. The deflection of the ring is continuously measured by a digital indicator mounted inside the ring. The indicator is programmed by the Morehouse primary force calibration laboratory and interprets the deflection values to direct calibrated force values and displays on the digital screen. The indicator displays the force in the engineering units as specified by the user at the time of purchase.

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Proving Ring Manual

Our Morehouse Proving Ring Manual: Morehouse Proving Rings are recognized as the premier force standard wherever highly accurate force calibrations are performed. This reputation has been earned by uncompromising conformance to the standards originally established and maintained by the United States National Institute of Standards & Technology.

Anyone wanting to learn more about Morehouse Proving Rings should visit our Proving Ring Page here.

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Obsolete - DFGPP Manual

Obsolete - DFGPP Manual

The manual is attached below.

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Obsolete - Proving Ring Electric Reed Vibrator Manual (Series 1000 Morehouse Proving Rings)

Obsolete - Proving Ring Electric Reed Vibrator Manual

Below is an operation and instruction manual for the obsolete proving ring electric reed vibrator. Newer proving rings are made with a digital indicator. Older proving rings can be upgraded to digital by replacing the internal micrometer, dial, read, and electric red vibrator.

More information on our digital rings and retrofit options can be found here.

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Obsolete - CellMite Digital Signal Conditioners Manual (Model 4325A)

Obsolete - CellMite Digital Signal Conditioners Manual

This info is kept for anyone needing it. We have much better solutions for those needing an indicator for their load cell. USB solutions, Software solutions. Please click here for a list of indicators we currently offer

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Obsolete - Gauge Buster 2 Manual

Obsolete - Gauge Buster 2 Manual

The Obsolete manual is attached below

The Obsolete Gauge Buster (2) Plus Manual can be found here

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