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8 Steps on How to Foster a Positive Uncertainty Budget for a Morehouse Calibrated Machine

How to Develop an Uncertainty Budget for a Morehouse Calibrated Machine Uncertainty budgets are an essential part of any measurement. They help ensure calibrations are metrologically traceable, accurate, and reliable. Uncertainty budgets are also important for meeting regulatory requirements and accreditation. This article provides insight into developing an uncertainty budget for a Morehouse-calibrated machine. We […]

Easy Guide on How to Calibrate Cable Tensiometers

How to Calibrate Cable Tensiometers. Does the Type of Cable GAC versus SSAC Make a Difference? What is a Cable Tensiometer? Cable tensiometers are devices used to measure the tension or force in cables, wires, and ropes. They are commonly employed in engineering, construction, and industrial applications to ensure the proper tension of cables to […]

Lower Limit Factor: Improve Calibration Accuracy for Load Cells and Other Force Measurement Equipment

Lower Limit Factor: Improve Calibration Accuracy for Load Cells and Other Force Measurement Equipment LLF, or Lower Limit Factor, is a statistical estimate of the error in forces computed from the calibration equation of a force-measuring instrument when the instrument is calibrated following ASTM E74 standard practice for calibration and verification for force-measuring instruments. The […]

Balancing the Top 3 Factors of Choosing a Calibration Provider: Quality, Lead Time, and Price.

Choosing a Calibration Provider In calibration, decisions often involve finding the perfect balance between competing factors. When purchasing calibration products or services, a classic problem arises: quality, lead time, and price—choose any two, but you can't have all three. As one of the greatest singing artists of our generation sang, "Don't be Sad Because Two […]

Load Cell Reliability - What You Need to Know to Get Better than 0.05 % Stability

Load Cell Reliability Introduction A customer asked us about the stability specifications of our load cells. The initial reaction was that no one does that because there are too many variables. Load cell reliability will depend on the complete system and use. These include using different adapters, different cables, changing thread engagement, overloading load cell, […]

Load Cell Adapter Thread Depth Comparison – Budget Versus Shear Web 0.8 " Engagement Versus Locked into Place

Load Cell Error- Load Cell Adapter Thread Depth Comparison Budget Versus Shear Web       Load Cell Adapter Thread Depth Comparison - Introduction We have written previous articles about using shear web load cells with a threaded adapter installed, meaning they are locked into place. One article described the increased performance by locking a […]

Guarded Rejection: 1 Valuable Tool for Reducing the Risk of False Rejection

Guarded rejection: 1 Valuable Tool for Reducing the Risk of False Rejection  When assessing the conformity of a product or service to a specified requirement, it is crucial to have a high degree of confidence in the decision. This is especially true when the consequences of a false rejection or false acceptance are high. Guarded […]

A Simplified Global and Specific Risk Example

A Simplified Global and Specific Risk Example A company has hired us to measure the speed of cars on a stretch of a single-lane road. The customer wants options using both Global and Specific Risk examples as they are unsure what method will give them what they need to meet the specification as they know […]

Understanding Global Risk in 8 Steps Using Simple Terms

Understanding Global Risk in Simple Terms In the world of engineering and product design, there's a concept that Henry Petroski discusses in his book, "To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design." He suggests that engineers and companies might become complacent when things are going well. They might not take the necessary […]
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