Category: Management and Engagement

Precision Reads and Reviews: Hidden Potential of “You Can Count on Me” in Metrology

You Can Count on Me and Core Values If you're like me, constantly seeking ways to enhance your organization's culture and deliver exceptional customer service, you'll find the insights in Mike Scott's book "You Can Count on Me" invaluable. This book delves into building accountability and fostering a high-performing workplace. Scott introduces a framework, Totally […]

Anticipating Needs: The Key to Exceeding Customer Expectations

Do You Meet Customer Expectations? Morehouse Customer Service A man is walking through the desert, parched and desperate for water. He looks at the sky and prays, "Please, just a drop of water! I'll do anything for some water!" Miraculously, a cloud forms above him, and rain begins to fall. He drinks the water gratefully, […]

Precision Reads & Reviews: Applying Engineering Failure To Metrology

Applying Engineering Failure to Metrology:  To Engineer is Human Engineering failure is measured in two ways: human death toll and materials lost. This is just one of many insights from Henry Petroski’s book To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design.  As the president of a force calibration laboratory that has seen […]

Powerful Effects of Applying "Atomic Habits" to Metrology

Applying Atomic Habits to Metrology How can we apply what we learn in books to Metrological Practices?  Many might be familiar with the rule of 72.  In investments, the "rule of 72" is a simplified way to calculate how long an investment may take to double.  The math is as simple as dividing 72 by […]

Build Efficient Calibration Processes

Continuous Improvement to Build Efficient Calibration Processes I often say I'm usually not the smartest person in the room, and if I am, it's likely I'm alone. This light-hearted admission isn't just self-deprecating humor; it reflects my belief in continual growth and learning. I recall jesting with my children about finishing second in my high […]

Analyze Calibration Success: Learn From When Things Go Right!

Analyze Calibration Success to Build Upon It! When things go wrong in many fields, there's a lot of talk about it. If a surgery doesn't go well, everyone wants to know why. The same goes for building collapses, unsuccessful legislation or political campaigns, and military setbacks. Failure is often dissected and analyzed, but a crucial […]

Team-Building Lessons from the Boxing Ring to the Calibration Lab

Team-Building:  Boxing Rings to Metrology Back in my boxing days, when I was more familiar with the canvas than a painter, I learned some crucial lessons that surprisingly apply to team building and management. Picture this: I'm in the ring, southpaw stance, fancying myself the next Smoking Joe Frazier. Reality, however, had a different script. […]

Stay Teachable, My Friends

Stay Teachable:  Morehouse Culture A friend recently shared a post that resonated with me deeply. It said, "Stay teachable." These two words beautifully encapsulate the essence of continuous learning, whether it's through training classes, attending symposiums, or any form of education. This simple phrase highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and the willingness […]

Finding the Missing Piece to the Limited Talent Puzzle: Can Automation Fill Those Gaps

The Talent Puzzle: Is Automation the Final Piece in Calibration Labs? Do you like putting together jigsaw puzzles? They are fun on rainy days. Everybody has a strategy for these, and mine is to sort the pieces so I can put together the outer edge of the puzzle and work inward from there. I admit […]

Morehouse Core Values and Workplace Pride Matter to Customers

Morehouse Core Values and Workplace Pride Matter In modern workplaces, where titles can be as extravagant as a Hollywood red carpet event, there exists a subtle yet profound force: workplace pride. It's more than just a warm and fuzzy feeling; it's a cornerstone of employee engagement and organizational success, and core values help create it. […]

Core Strength: A Snapshot of 5 Values Driving Morehouse Instrument Company

Core Values are the Core Strength of Morehouse At Morehouse Instrument Company, our core strengths are the core values, the bedrock of our identity, and the guiding light for our actions. These values aren't just words on a page; they're principles we embody in our daily work, creating a dynamic culture that propels innovation, energizes […]

Impact and Opportunities in Metrology Engineering

Metrology Engineering Metrology engineering is not just a profession; it's the backbone of scientific precision and industrial innovation. By embracing the meticulous science of measuring physical quantities, metrology engineers play a pivotal role in various industries, ranging from aerospace to manufacturing. This field is about precision, accuracy, and the relentless pursuit of perfection.  Despite its […]

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