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Proving Ring Tare Load Correction Proof

Proving Ring Tare Load Correction Proof This blog post is on the strange side. I was rummaging through some of the work I did back in 1999 and found a proving ring tare load correction proof. I probably never published it as we were all waiting for the world to end at the turn of […]

lbf calculator - Adjusting lbf (pounds-force) weights for gravity at the point of use

lbf calculator - Adjusting lbf (pounds-force) Weights for Gravity at the Point of Use Morehouse lbf calculator or force to mass.  When weights are used to perform force calibrations they should be corrected for the gravity and air buoyancy at the point of use. Where the values of the weights are given in true mass […]

Digital Force Gauge Retrofit Options for Existing Morehouse Analog-Type Force Gauges

Digital Force Gauge Retrofit Options for Existing Morehouse Analog-Type Force Gauges Morehouse Instrument Company has introduced new types of Digital Force Gauges and digital force gauge retrofit options.  These new digital gauges offer improved performance and accuracy specifications such as: At 0.5 % of full scale, the new or upgraded digital force gauge is two […]

How Do You Know if Your Device is “In-Tolerance”? Why the Location of the Measurement is More Important than You May Realize

How Do You Know if Your Device is “In-Tolerance”? Why the Location of the Measurement is More Important than You May Realize Calling an instrument “In Tolerance” is about the location, location, and location of the measurement. It’s also about the uncertainty of the measurement, but a bad location is going to raise the Probability […]

Quick and Easy: Pull Your Force Calibration Data from Anywhere Using Your Smartphone (1 Easy Step)

Quick and Easy: Pull Your Force Calibration Data from Anywhere Using Your Smartphone Morehouse puts QR codes on calibration stickers so you can pull your data from your smartphone and our customers love it! Why we decided to go with QR codes About two years ago we decided our calibration certificates and lab software needed […]

How to Make Load Cells Perform Better - 3 Benefits of Installing a Threaded Adapter on Load Cells

How to Make Load Cells Perform Better - 3 Benefits of Installing a Threaded Adapter on Load Cells How to make load cells perform better. #1. The output of the load cell is more repeatable -  When forces are applied to the load cell, the values obtained during calibration should repeat within the expected performance […]

Digital Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers (LAC) Can Improve System Performance by a Factor of 10

Digital Load Cell Amplifier You’ve got the most expensive load cells, high-quality data acquisition systems, and very smart technicians working for you. What if your only problem is that the digital load cell amplifier you are using, is drastically hindering your total system performance? Morehouse Digital Load Cell Amplifier for Controllers (LAC) Can Improve System […]

Making a Statement of Compliance: The 3 Main Reasons Calibration Laboratories Fail to Get Things Right

Making a Statement of Compliance: The 3 Main Reasons Calibration Laboratories Fail to Get Things Right Making a statement of compliance introduction. About a year after turning 40, I bought a pair of reading glasses.  After another year, I started noticing a decrease in my overall vision and figured I needed to visit an eye […]

Calibrate Instruments On-Site With a Morehouse 2000 lbf Portable Force Calibrator

Calibrate Instruments On-Site With a Morehouse 2000 lbf Portable Force Calibrator You can now calibrate instruments on-site with a Morehouse 2,000 lbf portable calibrator that weighs less than 36 lbs! The Morehouse Portable Force Calibrator features the following: 1. High Stability and Fine Control - Control the force application by as little as 0.005 lbf. […]
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