How to Make Load Cells Perform Better - 3 Benefits of Installing a Threaded Adapter on Load Cells In previous posts, we have been focusing on measurement errors. Good measurement practices such as keeping your force measurement system in control are equally important. We often forget about those practices we put in place to make sure […]
How to Avoid Load Cell Cable Length Errors The majority of force or torque systems we calibrate each year consist of load or torque cells, an indicator or readout, load cell cables, adapters, and some sort of shipping or carrying case. Around 90 % of these systems come in with an indicator only capable of […]
The Measurement Risk Lottery No one won this drawing and the lottery is now up to over $1,300,000,000.00! Measurement Risk Lottery - The Powerball is up to over $1,300,000,000. It is a number so large that it cannot even be displayed on the lottery billboards. How does a jackpot get this high? The odds of […]