Understanding ISO 376 Our last blog focused on the difference between ISO 376 and ASTM E74. That blog was a comparison between the major differences when comparing both standards and can be found here. What we hope to do with this blog is go into a bit more detail and explain the ISO 376:2011 Metallic […]
Without the Right Adapters, a Force Calibration Technician is Nothing Short of Being Called a Miracle Worker Figure 1 Bent Rod End Think about that for a minute. Would you want a surgeon to operate on you with kitchen utensils such as a serrated knife? Then why do some people (management cough) expect or ask […]
ASTM E74 is Not the Same as ISO 376 Morehouse has performed ASTM E74 and ISO 376 calibrations for over fifteen years. We have been calibrating in accordance with the ASTM E74 standard since its introduction in 1974 and performing ISO 376 calibrations since sometime in early 2000. Before early 2000, ISO-376 was a DIN […]