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About Morehouse This article is intended to give a brief history of Morehouse Instrument Company and Information about Morehouse beyond force and torque measurement. Morehouse has been in business since March 15, 1920. The company started as a local machine shop. Mr. Morehouse owned the company, and Harry E Zumbrun worked with him. When Mr. […]
4215-HS Load Cell Indicator: This indicator is a high-stability version of the 4215. Many rebrand and sell this meter, though not all have the upgraded stability version. Click here for more information. If you enjoyed this content, check out our LinkedIn and YouTube channel for more helpful posts and videos.
How to Calculate the Resolution of a Load Cell Per Section 4.14 of JCGM 200:2012, Resolution is the “smallest change in a quantity being measured that causes a perceptible change in the corresponding indication.” Over the years, this simple definition has become a topic of confusion in the metrology community. We are hoping to simplify […]
Morehouse 4215 Plus Load Cell Indicator: This indicator uses the B coefficients from the calibration reports to display lbf, kgf, N. This is a first for this type of meter. To learn more, please visit here. If you enjoyed this content, check out our LinkedIn and YouTube channel for more helpful posts and videos.
The Importance of Considering Reproducibility in the Measurement Process Uncertainty - Intro Most people in the metrology community will agree that a calibration laboratory's ability to reproduce measurement results belongs in an uncertainty budget. Several Accreditation Bodies require reproducibility to be at least considered as part of a calibration laboratory's Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC). […]
Morehouse Has an App to Convert Force to Mass, Mass to Force and it uses NOAA so it should be known to be within 5 ppm! When someone asks us about converting force to mass, Morehouse can now say we have an app for that. Not only will our app convert force to mass, but […]
Morehouse Calibration Software Instruction Manual The Morehouse calibration software manual discusses software installation, troubleshooting, and operation of Morehouse free-to-download software. The manual discusses data acquisition using the coefficients from the calibration report. This is the most accurate method to obtain force measurement readings. The mV/V readings are converted to force units, and as such, the […]
How to Calibrate S-Beam or S-Type Load Cells and Achieve Good Results Figure 1 General S-Beam Load Cell General Overview of S-beam or S-Type load cells S-beam or S-Type load cells were designed for several weighing applications. Most were designed to be mounted on a scale, used as a lifting system, or process weighing for […]
Morehouse High Accuracy Digital Indicator: This indicator uses the USB computer port to power and reads almost any load cell. This 6-wire sensing analog-to-digital USB converter offers the use of our Morehouse direct reading software, with multiple load cell configurations, longer cables, and lower uncertainty. The High Accuracy Digital Indicator provides non-linearity less than 0.002 […]
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