Category: Morehouse Updates and Events

5 Reasons to Purchase Budget Load Cells from Morehouse

The Top Five Reasons to Purchase Budget Load Cells from Morehouse Load cells are devices that are used to measure the weight or force, applied to them and are used in a wide range of applications, from weighing scales to industrial equipment. Most of the load cells supplied by Morehouse are used as calibration standards, […]

Ashly Carter Joins Morehouse Instrument Company

Ashly Carter Joins Morehouse Instrument Company We are expanding our team to lead us into the future of metrology and beyond. October 11, 2022: Morehouse Instrument Company is excited to announce the hiring of Ashly Carter as the new Quality Manager! Former Program Manager of Calibration at the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), she […]

Continuous Improvement in the Cal Lab

Continuous Improvement in the Cal Lab What if people could improve at a rate of 1 % per day? In approximately 70 days, they would be twice as effective at their job, and in 365 days, they would be 37.78343 times better. In reality, 1 % better is not going to amount to much. For […]

Great News: NVLAP Accreditation Demonstrates Laboratory Competence

Great News: NVLAP Accreditation Demonstrates Laboratory Competence Morehouse Instrument Company has received NVLAP accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The unbiased third-party evaluation by NVLAP reduces our internal risk and instills trust in the laboratory’s competence. The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), which is administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), provides third-party […]

New Force Calibration for Technicians eBook

New Force Calibration for Technicians eBook Morehouse is excited to announce our new eBook, Force Calibration for Technicians and Quality Managers: Top Conditions, Methods, and Systems that Impact Force Calibration Results, written by Henry Zumbrun. Since force calibration is mechanical in nature, there are many factors to consider. This eBook introduces basic topics of force […]

Celebrating 100 Years of Morehouse and 100 Morehouse Blog Posts

100 Years of Morehouse and 100 Blog Posts on   The 100th blog post, what to do? 100 years in business, 100 blog posts, several papers, and technical articles along the way. Communication has changed from a switchboard phone to a handheld personal computer that can receive this message. From the proving ring to […]

About Morehouse - Established 1920

About Morehouse This article is intended to give a brief history of Morehouse Instrument Company and Information about Morehouse beyond force and torque measurement. Morehouse has been in business since March 15, 1920. The company started as a local machine shop. Mr. Morehouse owned the company, and Harry E Zumbrun worked with him. When Mr. […]

Big News: Morehouse Training, Sessions, and Presentations at NCSLI 2018 in Portland August 26 - 30

Big News: Morehouse Training, Sessions, and Presentations at NCSLI 2018 in Portland August 26 - 30 Another year and another NCSLI conference are soon approaching. This year both Henry Zumbrun and Edward Lane will be headed out to NCSLI. I will be teaching two tutorials on Monday, August 20th, presenting some torque wrench PT findings […]

Presenting a Tutorial at NCSL International

Presenting a Tutorial at NCSL International Presenting a Tutorial at NCSL Step 1. Write an abstract and state the learning objective.    The abstract is the summary of the class. The learning objectives are concise statements about what students will be able to do when they complete instruction. T17 — Fundamentals of Torque Calibration – […]

Great News: Morehouse Instrument Company is an Excellence in Innovation 2016 Finalist

Great News: Morehouse Instrument Company is an Excellence in Innovation 2016 Finalist Excellence In Innovation - Morehouse Instrument Company was honored to be selected as a finalist for Excellence In Innovation. Excellence In Innovation - A culture of innovation is necessary to seize greater opportunities in the global economy. Finalists were selected for having a […]

Excellent Force and Uncertainty Training

Excellent Force and Uncertainty Training - Applied Fundamentals of Force Calibration FORCE AND UNCERTAINTY TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover applied force calibration techniques and will include live demonstrations using secondary standards to exhibit potential errors made in everyday force measurements. The measurement errors demonstrated and discussed will include errors associated with improper alignment, use […]

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