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Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Force Workbook- ASTM E74 Uncertainty

Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Force Workbook- ASTM E74 Uncertainty Morehouse has developed a force workbook in Excel to help those trying to figure out measurement uncertainty and how to calculate their Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC). Updated 10/30/2021!  The new update contains coefficients for interpolating uncertainty. Most of this workbook is set up for […]

Morehouse 7-Step Easy Process For Troubleshooting A Load Cell

Morehouse 7-Step Process For Troubleshooting A Load Cell Visual Inspection Lets Us Know Which Cell Is Damaged Troubleshooting A Load Cell Simplified. Have you spent countless hours trying to figure out what is not working? Is it the load cell, is it the meter, the cable, or something else? We have wasted countless hours trying […]

Metrological Traceability for Force and How the Measurement Hierarchy Works in Relation to Measurement Uncertainty

Metrological Traceability for Force Metrological Traceability for Force -  Metrological Traceability: Property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a  documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty.  This article will define each level of the measurement hierarchy as it relates to measurement uncertainty for […]

What is Accuracy? Can We Trust the Manufacturer's Specifications?

What is Accuracy? Can We Trust the Manufacturer's Specifications? What is Accuracy? Accuracy is influenced by both precision and bias in the measurement process.  To understand accuracy, one must understand bias, systematic measurement error, random measurement error, measurement error, and precision. Manufacturers' accuracy specifications may be misleading as they may not tell you how the […]

Tension Link Good Measurement Practice to Minimize Errors

Tension Links: Are Your Measurements Accurate? You are out in the field with a tension link, load link, or some type of digital dynamometer to use for a weighing application. You need pins to engage into the unit. What can you use? Slings? Maybe one size pin with one diameter on one end and another […]

Calculating Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Using the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) (ASTM E74)

Calculating Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Using the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) In accordance with the ASTM E74 standard, Morehouse reports the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) which is reported on page one of the calibration certificate and is not uncertainty.  ASTM E74-06 used to call LLF the uncertainty. The ASTM E74-06 standard was […]

Shipping Measurement and Test Equipment (MT&E) For Shipment (3 Potential Outcomes)

Shipping Measurement and Test Equipment (MT&E) For Shipment Shipping Measurement and Test Equipment Packing Specialist The word improper is defined as unsuitable for a certain use or occasion. Improper packing is often the leading cause of damage occurring during shipment. Investing in the proper shipping containers and proper training for those packing equipment should be […]

Excellent Force and Uncertainty Training

Excellent Force and Uncertainty Training - Applied Fundamentals of Force Calibration FORCE AND UNCERTAINTY TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover applied force calibration techniques and will include live demonstrations using secondary standards to exhibit potential errors made in everyday force measurements. The measurement errors demonstrated and discussed will include errors associated with improper alignment, use […]

Why Force Measurements Matter - Force Transducer Testing and NASCAR

Why Force Measurements Matter - Force Transducer Testing and NASCAR Why Force Measurements Matter - Photo Courtesy of Associated Press Austin Dillon went cascading into the catch fence at Daytona Speedway on the early morning of July 6th, 2015. Was he thinking of all the testing his NASCAR Sprint Cup car goes through? Absolutely not! […]

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