Top 5 Common Force Measurement Errors Top 5 Common Force Measurement Errors - At Morehouse, we strive to replicate the loading conditions a customer may be using. Some other labs, may not follow this process and the additional measurement uncertainty from not replicating use, may create a significant error source. Below are the top 5 […]
Avoid ASTM E74 Load Cell Calibration Mistakes We are writing this post to clarify some common ASTM E74 misconceptions and discuss ASTM E74 Load Cell Calibration Mistakes. We have written two early blogs on the ASTM E74 standard: ASTM E74 Simplified and Calculating CMC using the ASTM E74 standard. We also have a slide share presentation detailing the […]
Great News: Morehouse Instrument Company is an Excellence in Innovation 2016 Finalist Excellence In Innovation - Morehouse Instrument Company was honored to be selected as a finalist for Excellence In Innovation. Excellence In Innovation - A culture of innovation is necessary to seize greater opportunities in the global economy. Finalists were selected for having a […]