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Force can be difficult. We are here to help! Depending on your application, these documents may help you make better measurements.

Simplify Measurement Uncertainty

CMC Calculation Worksheet for Force Measurements

Simplify Troubleshooting

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Load Cell Troubleshooting

Simplify Calibration Setups

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Recommended Compression and Tension Adapters for Force Calibration

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From Our Blog

How to Calculate the Resolution of a Load Cell

How to Calculate the Resolution of a Load Cell Per Section 4.14 of JCGM 200:2012, Resolution is the “smallest change in a quantity being measured that causes a perceptible change in the corresponding indication.” Over the years, this simple definition has become a topic of confusion in the metrology community. We are hoping to simplify […]

The Importance of Considering Reproducibility in the Measurement Process Uncertainty

The Importance of Considering Reproducibility in the Measurement Process Uncertainty - Intro Most people in the metrology community will agree that a calibration laboratory's ability to reproduce measurement results belongs in an uncertainty budget. Several Accreditation Bodies require reproducibility to be at least considered as part of a calibration laboratory's Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC). […]

Morehouse Has an App to Convert Force to Mass, Mass to Force and it Uses NOAA so it Should be Known to be Within 5 ppm!

Morehouse Has an App to Convert Force to Mass, Mass to Force and it uses NOAA so it should be known to be within 5 ppm! When someone asks us about converting force to mass, Morehouse can now say we have an app for that. Not only will our app convert force to mass, but […]
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