Shackle Load Pin Morehouse is well known in the industry for calibrating loadcells of all types to the highest accuracy. And for 50 years, we have scratched our heads at the poor performance of load pins compared to all other types of loadcells. Even the slightest change in loading conditions causes drastic changes in load […]
Treatment of Zero in Determining Deflections – ASTM Method B Interpolated Zero Reduction Methods In calibration, many disciplines take multiple calibration points between the initial zero and the ending zero. What is the standard method for reducing the zero readings from the raw data recorded? When we started asking some contacts at National Metrology Institutes […]
My Load Cell Calibration Does Not Match What the Certificate Says Being in the business of calibrating force and torque instruments means you will run across scenarios where the equipment sent in for calibration performs differently than the last calibration. You might also run into a situation where the end-user does some checks on their […]