Converting an mV/V Load Cell Signal into Engineering Units: Why This May be the Most Accurate and Cost-Effective Way to Use a Calibration Curve Most bridge-based sensors typically specify a rated output Sensitivity (R.O.) shown in Figure 1 below. This Rated Output is generally found under Electrical specifications. It is usually in mV/V, where mV/V […]
How to Calculate the Resolution of a Load Cell Per Section 4.14 of JCGM 200:2012, Resolution is the “smallest change in a quantity being measured that causes a perceptible change in the corresponding indication.” Over the years, this simple definition has become a topic of confusion in the metrology community. We are hoping to simplify […]
The Importance of Considering Reproducibility in the Measurement Process Uncertainty - Intro Most people in the metrology community will agree that a calibration laboratory's ability to reproduce measurement results belongs in an uncertainty budget. Several Accreditation Bodies require reproducibility to be at least considered as part of a calibration laboratory's Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC). […]
Morehouse Has an App to Convert Force to Mass, Mass to Force and it uses NOAA so it should be known to be within 5 ppm! When someone asks us about converting force to mass, Morehouse can now say we have an app for that. Not only will our app convert force to mass, but […]
How to Calibrate S-Beam or S-Type Load Cells and Achieve Good Results Figure 1 General S-Beam Load Cell General Overview of S-beam or S-Type load cells S-beam or S-Type load cells were designed for several weighing applications. Most were designed to be mounted on a scale, used as a lifting system, or process weighing for […]
Important Aircraft and Truck Scale Calibration Tips Figure 1: Example of Aircraft Weighing Aircraft and Truck scales come in all different shapes and sizes and typically serve one purpose, to approximate the weight of an aircraft or truck. Why might that be important? For Aircraft, it's about knowing the center of gravity CG. The center […]
Why a 4:1 TUR is Not Enough: The Importance of Analyzing the Probability of False Accept Risk Figure 1 Graph Showing Method 5 Acceptance Limits Several organizations and publications reference the use of a 4:1 Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR). Some standards even reference a TUR requirement greater than or equal to 4:1. The question to […]
Force Measurement Error – Time Interval Between Two Successive Loadings Has anyone ever wondered if there is a difference in calibration results if the time interval between two successive loadings is changed? Is faster better and does it matter if the calibration takes 10 minutes on an automated machine pictured in Figure 2 below, or […]
Morehouse Versatile Cable Tensiometer and Force-Measuring Instrument Calibrator Figure 1 Morehouse 2,000 lbf Cable Tensiometer At Morehouse Instrument Company, we’re justifiably very proud of our new 2,000 lbf Cable Tensiometer Model PCM-2MD-T1. You can see in Figure 1 (above) that our new Tensiometer calibrator provides a safe and practical way to calibrate cable tensiometers. The […]
What Makes a Force Calibration Machine Fit for Use? - Intro Figure 1: Morehouse 1,000 lbf automated deadweight machine At Morehouse Instrument Company, we’re justifiably very proud of our 1,000 lbf Automated Deadweight Machine. You can see in Figure 1 (above) that the force calibration machine looks level and square. What the picture doesn’t show […]
How to Calculate the Uncertainty of a Deadweight Primary Standard Machine Figure 1: Morehouse 1,000 lbf automated deadweight machine Deadweight Force Machines or Primary Force Standard (CMCs as low as 0.001 % of applied force) – a deadweight force applied directly without intervening mechanisms such as levers, hydraulic multipliers, or the like, whose mass has […]
Load Cell Stability – How It Can Kill Your Uncertainty Budget Load cells are a combination of metal, strain gauges, adhesive, and more. Like humans, every measuring instrument is subject to aging. Load cells age from mechanical stress or fatigue, and over time this ensures that there will be some instability in the system. Some […]