Category: General Force Knowledge

2 Facts About How a Force Transducer Measures Force

2 Facts About How a Force Transducer Measures Force #1 What is a Transducer? In the broad sense of the term, a transducer is a device that turns one type of energy into another type. Some examples are: What is a transducer, battery example A battery is a transducer that converts chemical energy into electrical […]

Why is Force Important? And 3 Force Testing Examples

Why is Force Important? Force measurement is performed so frequently that we take it for granted. Almost every material item is tested using some form of traceable force measurement. For example, the packaging on most materials, including soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, and processed foods, is checked for tensile, peel, compressive, and tear strength to ensure the […]

What is Compression Force?

Compression Force Morehouse Instrument Company has shared tremendous knowledge throughout the years with blogs, technical papers, and webinars. This education aligns with our purpose, to create a safer world by helping companies improve their force and torque measurements. When someone is new to calibration or metrology, the information can be overwhelming. There is so much […]

Top 5 Reasons Why Morehouse is a Great Fit for Your Force Sensor Calibration

Morehouse Force Sensor Calibration Service People often ask “Why should I use Morehouse for my Force Sensor Calibration?”, so here are the top 5 reasons why you need to use Morehouse for your Force Sensor and Torque calibrations. 1. We pride ourselves on our superior customer service with our primary core value of ‘Promote A […]

Force Calibration Lead Time Problems and 4 Ways You Can Avoid Them

Force Calibration Lead Time Problems and 4 Ways You Can Avoid Them We all deal with scheduling force calibration a little bit differently, and most of us struggle when our equipment is out for calibration. Imagine this scenario. The company we send our equipment to promises a turnaround time to meet our schedule. That date […]

Load Cells Calibration Basics

Load cells calibration basics and why is it important? What are the best methods and instruments to use? What industry standards or best practices should I follow? If you are new to force calibration or metrology, the information can be overwhelming. Since force calibration is mechanical in nature, there are many factors to consider. Load […]

Force Measurement Terms

Force Measurement Terms In the previous Back-to-Basics blog, I covered Load Cell Indicator Basics. This last blog for beginners contains a glossary of common terms in force measurement. This is a basic list of terms, and some have not been covered. It is important to post these for reference because most of these force measurement […]

Load Cell Terminology

Load Cell Terminology In the last Back-to-Basics blog, I covered Measurement Uncertainty. As I continue to cover basic concepts for beginners, this blog details some common load cell terms typically found on a load cell specification sheet. In this post, I will cover Non-Linearity, Non-Repeatability, Hysteresis, and Static Error Band. There are several more terms […]

Calibration Versus Verification

In the last Back-to-Basics blog, I covered Compression and Tension Force Calibration. As I continue to cover basic concepts for beginners, this blog will cover the differences between calibration and verification. What is a Calibration? Let me start by stating that there are several definitions of calibration across multiple standards. My favorite definitions are below. […]

Compression and Tension Forces Calibration #2 Explanations

Compression and Tension Forces Calibration In the last Back-to-Basics blog, I covered How a Transducer Measures Force. As I continue to cover basic concepts for beginners, this blog will cover the terms Compression and Tension Forces and how they relate to force calibration. Compression and Tension Forces: What is a Compression Force Calibration? When discussing […]

How a Transducer Measures Force

How a Transducer Measures Force In our first Back-to-Basics blog, I covered Force Calibration and its Importance. As I continue to cover basic concepts for beginners, this blog will define a transducer and describe how one is used to measure compression and tension force. What is a Transducer? In the broad sense of the term, […]

2021 Back-to-Basics Series: Force Calibration and its Importance

2021 Back-to-Basics Series: Force Calibration and its Importance For the start of the new year and our 101st year in business, we thought about the tremendous amount of knowledge Morehouse Instrument Company has shared throughout the years with blogs, technical papers, and webinars. This education aligns with our purpose, to create a safer world by […]

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