Comparing Load Cell Meter Filter Settings on Morehouse 4215 Load Cell Meters A common question at Morehouse we are frequently asked involving our 4215-meter load cell meter is if there is a performance difference between using different filter settings. We decided to take things further for this article by testing a standard 4215 indicator versus […]
Choosing a Calibration Provider In calibration, decisions often involve finding the perfect balance between competing factors. When purchasing calibration products or services, a classic problem arises: quality, lead time, and price—choose any two, but you can't have all three. As one of the greatest singing artists of our generation sang, "Don't be Sad Because Two […]
Load Cell Error- Load Cell Adapter Thread Depth Comparison Budget Versus Shear Web Load Cell Adapter Thread Depth Comparison - Introduction We have written previous articles about using shear web load cells with a threaded adapter installed, meaning they are locked into place. One article described the increased performance by locking a […]
Guarded rejection: 1 Valuable Tool for Reducing the Risk of False Rejection When assessing the conformity of a product or service to a specified requirement, it is crucial to have a high degree of confidence in the decision. This is especially true when the consequences of a false rejection or false acceptance are high. Guarded […]
A Simplified Global and Specific Risk Example A company has hired us to measure the speed of cars on a stretch of a single-lane road. The customer wants options using both Global and Specific Risk examples as they are unsure what method will give them what they need to meet the specification as they know […]
Understanding Global Risk in Simple Terms In the world of engineering and product design, there's a concept that Henry Petroski discusses in his book, "To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design." He suggests that engineers and companies might become complacent when things are going well. They might not take the necessary […]
The Top 5 Benefits of Automating Force Calibration In the ever-evolving world of technology, automation has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing various sectors, including metrology. Imagine setting up a load cell, crane scale, or any force-measuring instrument and being able to pay more attention to the setup and not having to control the machine. Imagine, […]
A Simplification of the Differences Between Specific and Global Risk Understanding the Differences Between Specific and Global Risk is a complex topic. For this article, we are going to explain the difference between specific and global risk without getting into too much detail. In metrology, risk is a crucial factor influencing the decision-making process based […]
Decision Rules - Our Top 10 Recommended Reading Many people struggle with decision rules and implementing decision rules. At Morehouse, we have been privileged to be part of the Metrology Handbook 3rd Edition, where we helped write a chapter on decision rules. Though it was an honor to write that and other chapters, there are […]
Morehouse MURA Metrology Chatbot Morehouse has launched our Metrology Chatbot. The bot is found on our website and is active on every page. The major advantage of our MURA (Measurement Uncertainty Resource Assistant) is it is trained using all of the material from our website and more. See our official press release here. This might […]
My Load Cell Calibration Does Not Match What the Certificate Says Being in the business of calibrating force and torque instruments means you will run across scenarios where the equipment sent in for calibration performs differently than the last calibration. You might also run into a situation where the end-user does some checks on their […]
Why is Force Measurement Important? Here at Morehouse, we have been in the business of measuring forces for almost 100 years. We are a small company of fewer than 40 employees who strive to create great force measuring products used in several industries to make the world safer for everyone. Though, when asked what we […]