Category: Force Calibration Equipment

My Load Cell Calibration Does Not Match What the Certificate Says

My Load Cell Calibration Does Not Match What the Certificate Says Being in the business of calibrating force and torque instruments means you will run across scenarios where the equipment sent in for calibration performs differently than the last calibration. You might also run into a situation where the end-user does some checks on their […]

5 Reasons to Purchase Budget Load Cells from Morehouse

Load cells are devices used to measure the weight or force, applied to them and used in a wide range of applications, from weighing scales to industrial equipment. Most of the load cells supplied by Morehouse are used as calibration standards, either as reference standards to calibrate other standards, or as field standards to calibrate […]

G501F Single-Channel Digital Load Cell Indicator Delivers Value and Portability

G501F Single-Channel Digital Load Cell Indicator The new Morehouse G501F single-channel load cell indicator provides high value at a low cost, delivering reliable performance and high-resolution measurements. Paired with a single load cell, this portable load cell indicator is the answer for laboratories that do not need the performance of a higher-end readout. Since the […]

What is the Best Load Cell for a Reference Standard?

What is the Best Load Cell for a Reference Standard? What is the best load cell I can use as a reference standard? This question appears straightforward, but once we start to examine the issue, it takes a series of questions to answer. The most common answer is, "Well… that depends on what your expectations […]

Load Cell Indicator Basics

Load Cell Indicator Basics In the last Back-to-Basics blog, I covered Load Cell Troubleshooting. As I continue to cover basic concepts for beginners, this blog covers the basics of a load cell indicator. Morehouse High Accuracy Digital Indicator (HADI) When force is exerted on a load cell, the mechanical energy is converted into equivalent electrical […]

New PD6100 Load Cell Indicator

PD6100 Load Cell Indicator PD6100 Load Cell Indicator We now offer a single channel load cell indicator PD6100 load cell indicator, which displays precise, accurate force and weight measurements. It accepts a direct strain gauge, load cell, or mV input and displays it in scaled engineering units. The full-featured indicator is easy-to-use for force and […]

Types of Load Cells

5 Common Types of Load Cells In the last Back-to-Basics blog, I covered Load Cell Terminology. As I continue to cover basic concepts for beginners, this blog details the common load cell types used in force measurement and how to choose the right load cell type for your application. The four types of load cells […]

Morehouse 600K Lightweight Load Cell System for ASTM E4 Calibration of Concrete Machines

Morehouse 600K Lightweight Load Cell System Ideal for ASTM E4 Calibration of Concrete Machines Figure 1 Morehouse Lightweight Load Cell Concrete System with High Stability Indicator This blog is going to discuss the Morehouse Lightweight Load Cell Concrete Compression Machine Calibration kit and the potential error sources associated with using a material with a different […]

Morehouse Versatile Cable Tensiometer and Force-Measuring Instrument Calibrator

Morehouse Versatile Cable Tensiometer and Force-Measuring Instrument Calibrator Figure 1 Morehouse 2,000 lbf Cable Tensiometer At Morehouse Instrument Company, we’re justifiably very proud of our new 2,000 lbf Cable Tensiometer Model PCM-2MD-T1. You can see in Figure 1 (above) that our new Tensiometer calibrator provides a safe and practical way to calibrate cable tensiometers. The […]

Automatic Deadweight Load Cell Calibration Instrument for Improved Force Calibration Results

Automatic Deadweight Load Cell Calibration Instrument for Improved Force Calibration Results Figure 1: Morehouse 1,000 lbf Automatic Deadweight Load Cell Calibration Machine Deadweight Load Cell Calibration Machine used to calibrate load cells may vary from ones with the lowest overall uncertainty such as deadweight force standard machines sometimes called primary standards to single or multiple transducer […]

Without the Right Adapters a Force Calibration Technician is Nothing Short of Being Called a Miracle Worker

Without the Right Adapters, a Force Calibration Technician is Nothing Short of Being Called a Miracle Worker Figure 1 Bent Rod End Think about that for a minute. Would you want a surgeon to operate on you with kitchen utensils such as a serrated knife? Then why do some people (management cough) expect or ask […]

Morehouse Force Calibration Adapters for Calibration of Lifting Devices such as Crane Scales, Tension Links, and Dynamometers.

Morehouse Force Calibration Adapters for Calibration of Lifting Devices such as Crane Scales, Tension Links, and Dynamometers Figure 1 Morehouse Tension Force Calibration Adapters Quick Change Tension Member System I am about to tell you a little bit about our calibration adapter history and what we have been working on to simplify your life when […]

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