Force, Mass, and Weight: What is the Difference? Force, mass, and weight are related concepts in physics, yet they are distinct and often misunderstood. Introduction to Difference Between Force, Mass, and Weight Figure 1. NBS Document Regarding Force Calibration Services I recently read an old NBS unpublished Provisional Document of "The Force Calibration Service" […]
What is Hysteresis? Almost any load cell specification sheet has a term called Hysteresis. This particular article hopes to explain what the term load cell hysteresis is. Load Cell Accuracy: Simple Definition In a simplistic sense, hysteresis is a way to measure how well a load cell returns to its starting point when force is […]
What is Non Linearity? Almost any load cell specification sheet has a term called static Non-Linearity. This particular article hopes to explain what the term Non Linearity is. Load Cell Accuracy: Simple Definition of Non Linearity In simplistic terms Non Lineratiry tells us how much a load cell's readings might not follow a straight line […]