What is Hysteresis? Almost any load cell specification sheet has a term called Hysteresis. This particular article hopes to explain what the term load cell hysteresis is. Load Cell Accuracy: Simple Definition In a simplistic sense, hysteresis is a way to measure how well a load cell returns to its starting point when force is […]
What is Non Linearity? Almost any load cell specification sheet has a term called static Non-Linearity. This particular article hopes to explain what the term Non Linearity is. Load Cell Accuracy: Simple Definition of Non Linearity In simplistic terms Non Lineratiry tells us how much a load cell's readings might not follow a straight line […]
What is Static Error Band (SEB)? Almost any load cell specification sheet has a term called static Error Band. The term itself can be used to describe one of many accuracy specifications found on a load cell specification sheet. This particular article hopes to explain what the term Static Error Band is. Load Cell Accuracy: […]