ASTM E74 is Not the Same as ISO 376 Morehouse has performed ASTM E74 and ISO 376 calibrations for over fifteen years. We have been calibrating in accordance with the ASTM E74 standard since its introduction in 1974 and performing ISO 376 calibrations since sometime in early 2000. Before early 2000, ISO-376 was a DIN […]
Morehouse Hydraulic Power Control Manual: This manual details the operation and maintenance of the Morehouse Machine. This manual can be found here. If you enjoyed this content, check out our LinkedIn and YouTube channel for more helpful posts and videos.
Morehouse ISO 376 Calibration Certificates Morehouse has been performing ISO 376 calibrations for over the last fifteen years. In this time frame, we have changed our ISO 376 calibration certificate format three times. The latest change offers additional information such as a calibration graph per run and is laid out in a way that is […]
Auxiliary Hydraulic Screw Pump Manual: The manual for this Morehouse product. Click here to download the manual. The Morehouse screw pump (P/N: 66-806) is set up to be used with the Morehouse hydraulic jack along with the existing hand pump or hydraulic power control. The screw pump can provide up to 0.15 inch of stroke […]
Multi-axis load cell Multi-Axis load cells are becoming more popular, and the calibration of such load cells creates various challenges to ensure minimal cross-talk and to calibrate each axis of the load cells. This blog describes a detailed test plan for calibrating a 3-axis multi-axis load cell in a Morehouse. Universal Calibrating Machine (pictured below). […]
The portable Calibrating Machine Manual is a manual for the operation and maintenance of the Morehouse portable calibrating machine (PCM). This machine is designed for low-force applications of up to 2,000 lbf of force. The machine is designed to eliminate the need for stacking weights and improving ergonomic issues. The manual for Morehouse Portable Calibrating […]
Morehouse Force Calibration Adapters for Calibration of Lifting Devices such as Crane Scales, Tension Links, and Dynamometers Figure 1 Morehouse Tension Force Calibration Adapters Quick Change Tension Member System I am about to tell you a little bit about our calibration adapter history and what we have been working on to simplify your life when […]
Cable Tensiometer Calibrator Manual for Morehouse Deadweight Cable Tensiometer. This is the most accurate cable tensiometer calibrator. The manual is available for download here. If you enjoyed this content, check out our LinkedIn and YouTube channel for more helpful posts and videos.
Choosing the Right Load Cell Indicator: Comparisons Between the HADI and 4215-Plus Does the indicator have to be better than 0.005 %? Are you willing to use a computer to convert mV/V to Engineering Units? Do you require portability without a power adapter? Do you have more than two load cells? HADI Does the indicator […]