Calculating Force Uncertainty for force machines. This free document identifies all significant contributions to measurement uncertainty when using a force calibrating machine. Calculating Force Uncertainty describes what is needed to achieve a measurement uncertainty of better than 0.02 % of the applied force.
Device Resolution and the Impact on Consumer Risk - Intro If a device's uncertainty has too coarse of a resolution, then you need a device that does not subject the conformance decision to higher risk. This blog will present examples that demonstrate why best practices should be followed for conformity assessments rather than drafting individual […]
The Standard Morehouse Proving Ring The calibration standard against which all others are measured is available in digital versions. Digital versions have proven to be more accurate, easier to use, and are the preferred option. Proving rings are often the choice for those wanting stability. This page is kept up for reference only. Morehouse Proving […]
3 Bar vs 2 Bar Universal Calibrating Machines Comparison Test: This paper describes the difference between these two designs. The paper compares the repeatability and reproducibility characteristics and examines if there is a significant difference in the performance and measurement uncertainty between the two designs. If you enjoyed this content, check out our LinkedIn and […]
TAR versus TUR: Why TAR should RIP ASAP In our last blog, Examining the History of TAR and TUR, we examined several outdated, and to some extent wrong, practices, such as Test Accuracy Ratios (TARs) and requesting NIST traceable calibrations. Remember when they buried the word "DEF"? Maybe we, as metrologists, need to do that […]
Digital Proving Ring Reduces Error The Morehouse digital proving ring reduces operator error and maintains the known stability of a Morehouse analog proving ring. These rings measure the deflection of the ring in digital "counts" rather than by a mechanical micrometer. Calculations can be faster, with less operator action. Proving Rings are known for: Stability: […]
The Design, Development, and Commissioning of a 2kNm Torque Standard Machine for Highly Accurate Torque Calibrations: This is a 2007 article detailing the world's second-most accurate torque machine at Morehouse. Here at Morehouse, we provide torque calibration from 1Nm to 2kNm. For more details on our torque calibration service, click here. If you enjoyed this […]
Examining the History of TAR and TUR Why examine TAR and TUR? Hasn’t each topic been covered for decades now? When we look at TAR and TUR concepts, we find that many in the metrology community have adopted TUR. Both guidance documents and standards have moved away from TAR. However, when we look at the […]
Morehouse Brinell Calibrator Specifications: Overall Dimensions: Standard Version 5.25” x 2” x 5.875” high. A special Low Profile version is offered at a height of 4 " Certified accuracy: 0.1% Weight of Calibrator: 4 lbs Calibrated Loads: 500 kgs.; 1,000 kgs.; 1,500 kgs.; 2000 kgs.; 2,500 kgs.; and 3,000 kgs. Approx. deflection at capacity in […]