Category: News

Force Proficiency Rental Kits to Satisfy Your ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Force ILC Requirement

Force Proficiency Rental Kits Available. Don’t jeopardize the integrity of  your measurements by not validating them via ILC. At Morehouse, we understand the importance of complying with ISO/IEC 17025:2017, particularly Section 7.7.2, which mandates laboratories to demonstrate their competency through a Proficiency Testing (PT) or Interlaboratory Comparison (ILC) plan at least every four years. ISO/IEC […]

Comparing Morehouse 4215 Load Cell Meters: 3x Improvement in Repeatability and Force Accuracy

Comparing Morehouse 4215 Load Cell Meters A common question at Morehouse we are frequently asked involving our 4215-meter load cell meter is if there is a performance difference between the standard 4215 load cell meter and the 4215 Plus. Previously, we decided to make a video to show the upgraded stability of our 4215 HS […]

Next-Generation Wireless Shackle Load Pins Featured in International Weighing Review

Next-Generation Wireless Shackle Load Pins Featured 1n International Weighing Review International Weighing Review's online site features Morehouse Instrument Company’s next-generation wireless shackle load pins. Morehouse, the industry leader in calibration services, recently launched its wireless shackle load pins, which set new standards in accuracy, durability, and connectivity. International Weighing Review Portal is the First and […]

Morehouse Workplace Award Resonates Beyond the Plaque: Empowering Excellence in Every Achievement

Morehouse Workplace Award Resonates Beyond the Plaque Winning the "Best Place to Work" award by the Central Pennsylvania Business Journal was an honor for Morehouse Instrument Company, but it was more than just a badge of recognition. It highlighted the underlying philosophy and practices that make such acknowledgments possible and the broader implications they have […]

The Amazing Morehouse MURA Metrology Chatbot

Morehouse MURA Metrology Chatbot Morehouse has launched our Metrology Chatbot. The bot is found on our website and is active on every page. The major advantage of our MURA (Measurement Uncertainty Resource Assistant) is it is trained using all of the material from our website and more. See our official press release here. This might […]

Shackle Load Pin

Shackle Load Pin Morehouse is well known in the industry for calibrating loadcells of all types to the highest accuracy. And for 50 years, we have scratched our heads at the poor performance of load pins compared to all other types of loadcells. Even the slightest change in loading conditions causes drastic changes in load […]

5 Reasons to Purchase Budget Load Cells from Morehouse

Load cells are devices used to measure the weight or force, applied to them and used in a wide range of applications, from weighing scales to industrial equipment. Most of the load cells supplied by Morehouse are used as calibration standards, either as reference standards to calibrate other standards, or as field standards to calibrate […]

A Military Customer Gets Their 675,000 lbf Universal Calibration Machine

Armed Services Receives Universal Calibration Machine We are happy to announce a 675,000 lbf capacity Universal Calibration Machine (UCM) was designed, manufactured, assembled and recently shipped to a US Navy base. This unique UCM will be used to calibrate high capacity force measurement devices used by for our military. Morehouse prides itself on finding solutions […]

New to Force Measurements: A Beginner’s Guide to Force Measurements

New to Force Measurements: A Beginner's Guide to Force Measurements Morehouse Instrument Company has shared tremendous knowledge throughout the years with blogs, technical papers, and webinars. This education aligns with our purpose to create a safer world by helping companies improve their force and torque measurements. The information can be overwhelming when someone is new […]

Ashly Carter Joins Morehouse Instrument Company

Ashly Carter Joins Morehouse Instrument Company We are expanding our team to lead us into the future of metrology and beyond. October 11, 2022: Morehouse Instrument Company is excited to announce the hiring of Ashly Carter as the new Quality Manager! Former Program Manager of Calibration at the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), she […]

Morehouse Finishes Major Installation at USAF

Morehouse Finishes Major Installation at USAF Morehouse has finished installing and commissioning two Deadweight Machines (Primary Standards) at the USAF. We built this machine during the pandemic, and through all of the issues, it is now running at close to 0.0009 % using the USAF algorithm. We were told that the older machine that this […]

The 6 Core Values Morehouse Uses To Achieve Excellence

Morehouse Core Values "When we assign blame, we are pointing the finger to who or what is responsible for a fault or for wrongdoing. We are trying to make others accountable. Blaming does not solve a problem; it usually only makes people defensive."  – Catherine Pulsifer, Inspirational author Core Values Pyramid     Core values are […]

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