Category: ISO/IEC 17025 Best Practices

Confidence in Your Results Starts with Morehouse Accurate Load Cell Calibration Service

Confidence in Your Results Starts with Morehouse Accurate Load Cell Calibration Service Accurate Load Cell Calibration Service The Morehouse Difference We guarantee an exceptional customer experience, and will not compromise when it comes to providing you with the best possible calibration service. Discover the benefits of using a results-oriented calibration provider by calling Morehouse today. Accurate Load Cell […]

The 3 Important Changes to ISO 9001 Compliance and What This Means for Force and Torque Instrumentation

The 3 Important Changes to ISO 9001 Compliance and What This Means for Force and Torque Instrumentation The 3 Key Changes to ISO 9001 Compliance and What this Means for Force and Torque Instrumentation are discussed in detail in this article. What you need to know about documented procedures, preventative actions, and top management. Change […]

Top 5 Common Force Measurement Errors

Top 5 Common Force Measurement Errors Top 5 Common Force Measurement Errors - At Morehouse, we strive to replicate the loading conditions a customer may be using.  Some other labs, may not follow this process and the additional measurement uncertainty from not replicating use, may create a significant error source.  Below are the top 5 […]

Top 3 ASTM E74 Load Cell Calibrations Mistakes

Top 3 ASTM E74 Load Cell Calibrations Mistakes We are writing this post to clear some common ASTM E74 misconceptions and discuss ASTM E74 Load Cell Calibrations Mistakes.   We have written two early blogs on the ASTM E74 standard ASTM E74 Simplified, Calculating CMC using ASTM E74 standard, and have a slide share presentation detailing the ASTM […]

The Measurement Risk Lottery (5 Things to Help Avoid Measurement Risk)

The Measurement Risk Lottery No one won this drawing and the lottery is now up to over $1,300,000,000.00! Measurement Risk Lottery - The Powerball is up to over  $1,300,000,000.  It is a number so large that it cannot even be displayed on the lottery billboards.  How does a jackpot get this high? The odds of […]

Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Force Workbook- ASTM E74 Uncertainty

Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Force Workbook- ASTM E74 Uncertainty Morehouse has developed a force workbook in Excel to help those trying to figure out measurement uncertainty and how to calculate their Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC). Updated 10/30/2021!  The new update contains coefficients for interpolating uncertainty. Most of this workbook is set up for […]

Metrological Traceability for Force and How the Measurement Hierarchy Works in Relation to Measurement Uncertainty

Metrological Traceability for Force Metrological Traceability for Force -  Metrological Traceability: Property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a  documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty.  This article will define each level of the measurement hierarchy as it relates to measurement uncertainty for […]

What is Accuracy? Can We Trust the Manufacturer's Specifications?

What is Accuracy? Can We Trust the Manufacturer's Specifications? What is Accuracy? Accuracy is influenced by both precision and bias in the measurement process.  To understand accuracy, one must understand bias, systematic measurement error, random measurement error, measurement error, and precision. Manufacturers' accuracy specifications may be misleading as they may not tell you how the […]

Calculating Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Using the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) (ASTM E74)

Calculating Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Using the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) In accordance with the ASTM E74 standard, Morehouse reports the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) which is reported on page one of the calibration certificate and is not uncertainty.  ASTM E74-06 used to call LLF the uncertainty. The ASTM E74-06 standard was […]

Why Force Measurements Matter - Force Transducer Testing and NASCAR

Why Force Measurements Matter - Force Transducer Testing and NASCAR Why Force Measurements Matter - Photo Courtesy of Associated Press Austin Dillon went cascading into the catch fence at Daytona Speedway on the early morning of July 6th, 2015. Was he thinking of all the testing his NASCAR Sprint Cup car goes through? Absolutely not! […]

Single Measurement Bliss (Only 1 Measurement)

Morehouse is proud to present Single Measurement Bliss! by Dilip Shah When you make the first measurement, everything looks fine. It is when you make a second, repeated measurement and it is different from the first measurement that doubt begins to arise. Which one is the correct measurement? Then, you take a third measurement, and […]

When You're Looking for More Accurate Measurements

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