ASQ Akron Section Presentation Downloads


This page contains the links to presentations and Excel spreadsheets from Morehouse and Indysoft given at the ASQ Akron-Canton 2023 conference.

4-hour Tutorials .pdf files

Force Course half day 2023

2023 ASQ MQD Decision Rules Final

45min - 1 hr Sessions 

Let's Talk about Bias Measurement Bias

Proper Adapters to Reduce Force Measurement Error

2023 ASQ MQD Short Course Final

Friday Lunch Keynote 

2023 ASQ Measurements Gone Wrong Final


Morehouse E-Book 3rd Edition (Draft)

Force Calibration for Technicians and Quality Managers 2023 Draft Version


Additional Excel Files without Macros

ILAC G8 calculation (v4) - This sheet uses a specific risk that follows ILAC G8

Risk Workbook - This sheet uses several functions and has various sheets dealing with guarded rejection, specific versus global risk, guardband multiplier, Z-Dist, Z-Table, and others.

Additional Excel Files with Macros

Excel Sheets with Macros for Risk Course




We challenge the "just calibrate it" mentality by educating our customers on what matters and what causes significant errors and focus on reducing them.

Morehouse makes our products simple to use and user-friendly.

We happen to make great force equipment and provide unparalleled calibration services.

Do you want to do business with a company that focuses on what matters most?

Please email us at

Please visit our YouTube channel for more information on load cell errors that can impact reliability.


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