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Force can be difficult. We are here to help! Depending on your application, these documents may help you make better measurements.

Simplify Measurement Uncertainty

CMC Calculation Worksheet for Force Measurements

Simplify Troubleshooting

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Load Cell Troubleshooting

Simplify Calibration Setups

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Recommended Compression and Tension Adapters for Force Calibration

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From Our Blog

High Capacity Force Calibration Above 4.4 MN (1,000,000 lbf)

High Capacity Force Calibration Above 4.4 MN (1,000,000 lbf) Figure 1 Picture of Morehouse High Capacity Force Calibration 10MN System UCM Using Three Symmetrical Morehouse Load Cells In previous posts, we have discussed ASTM E74 requirements for secondary standards. However, we have not discussed what happens when primary standards cannot calibrate the secondary standards. Such […]

Amplified Load Cells (4-20mA, 0 -10 VDC) made Easy

Amplified Load Cells (4-20mA, 0 -10 VDC) Amplified load cells are specialized force measurement devices that integrate a built-in signal conditioning system, outputting a standardized 4-20mA or 0-10VDC signal. These load cells are widely used in industrial applications where robust, noise-resistant, and long-distance transmission is required. Unlike traditional load cells, which output a low-level millivolt […]

Load Cell Wiring Made Easy

Load Cell Wiring – How do I Know How My Load Cell is Wired? Numerous load cells exist where the manufacturers have merged, ceased to exist, or do not share their wiring information. This is where we aim to help you figure out the load cell wiring of whatever load cell you have. Load cell […]
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