Category: Force Calibration Standards

Easy to Use ASTM E74 Load Cell Selection Guide

ASTM E74 Load Cell Selection Guide Download the spreadsheet for ASTM E74 load cell selection spreadsheet here. Many people get confused with load cell specifications and what they mean. When a company says the load cell is accurate to 0.01 % of full scale, what does that mean? If calibrated using the ASTM E74 standard, […]

Load Cell Loading: Thread Engagement Errors

Load Cell Loading: Thread Engagement Errors Morehouse has covered this topic in previous videos and blogs. However, it is important enough to write another blog about thread engagement. Why is it important? In a typical female thread design, the modeling is done with “assumptions” on the thread engagement. A standard rule is to assume the […]

How to Comply with ILAC P14 when Reporting Expanded Uncertainty

How to Comply with ILAC P14 when Reporting Expanded Uncertainty ILAC P14 is a mandatory policy document for calibration laboratories accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. How can a laboratory ensure that expanded uncertainty is reported in compliance with ILAC Policy Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration, ILAC P14? In ILAC P14, section 5 relates to calibration […]

Guide for Understanding Uncertainties on a Morehouse ASTM E74 Calibration Certificate

Guide for Understanding Uncertainties on a Morehouse ASTM E74 Calibration Certificate Reporting the Expanded Uncertainty on an ASTM E74 Calibration Certificate of the measurement is a requirement of ISO/IEC 17025 and likely always will be. However, if you look at several different certificates of calibration, their Expanded Uncertainty reported, contributors and reporting methods will vary […]

Understanding the Calibration Coefficients for Load Cells and Other Force-Measuring Devices

What Calibration Coefficients Do ASTM E74, ISO 376, and other standards may use calibration coefficients to characterize the performance characteristics of continuous reading force-measuring equipment better. These standards may use higher-order fits such as a second or third-order fit (ISO 376) or ASTM E74 allows higher-order fits up to as high as a 5th-order. Both […]

Load Cell Calibration: What Does “Traceable to NIST” Really Mean? (Better Your Calibration)

Load Cell Calibration: What Does “Traceable to NIST” Really Mean? Load cells have various applications across several fields, from verifying the correct amount of stamping press force to testing rocket thrust stands. They are so common that almost everyone owns several in some shape or form, whether they realize it or not. Load cells are […]

ASTM E74 and Accuracy Statements: Why an Accuracy Statement Does Not Belong on Every Calibration Certificate

ASTM E74 and Accuracy Statements: Why an Accuracy Statement Does Not Belong on Every Calibration Certificate - Intro   The current ASTM E74-18 standard is the title Standard Practice for Calibration and Verification for Force-Measuring Instruments. Here at Morehouse, we support the best practices that are outlined in the ASTM E74 standard as the representation […]

Using Mass Weights to Calibrate Force Devices Can Result in a Large Measurement Error

Using Mass Weights to Calibrate Force Devices Can Result in a Large Measurement Error Morehouse Benchtop 10,000 lbf Calibrating Machine When metrologists talk about measurement error, we’re talking about the difference between the nominal value and what the instrument is reading. If 10,000 lbf is applied to a force measuring device and the readout displays […]

New ASTM E74-18 Changes

New ASTM E74-18 Changes - Intro   It’s been five years since ASTM E74 was last updated.  The last version of the standard was ASTM 13a, and I believe we may have an ASTM E74-18a.  However, the new standard has been released and this blog is going to detail some of the major changes between […]

Guidance on Uncertainty Budgets for Force Measuring Devices Part 4. Calculating Uncertainty for ISO 376 uncertainty

Guidance on Uncertainty Budgets for Force Measuring Devices Part 4. Calculating Uncertainty for ISO 376 Uncertainty Analysis ISO 376 Uncertainty Analysis Introduction: All calibration laboratories accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 are required to submit uncertainty calculations for the Calibration and Measurement Capability uncertainty claims included in the scope of accreditation. The assumptions made for the determination […]

Understanding ISO 376

Understanding ISO 376 Our last blog focused on the difference between ISO 376 and ASTM E74. That blog was a comparison between the major differences when comparing both standards and can be found here.  What we hope to do with this blog is go into a bit more detail and explain the ISO 376:2011 Metallic […]

ASTM E74 is Not the Same as ISO 376

ASTM E74 is Not the Same as ISO 376 Morehouse has performed ASTM E74 and ISO 376 calibrations for over fifteen years. We have been calibrating in accordance with the ASTM E74 standard since its introduction in 1974 and performing ISO 376 calibrations since sometime in early 2000. Before early 2000, ISO-376 was a DIN […]

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