Tag: load cell

Load Cell Wiring Made Easy

Load Cell Wiring – How do I Know How My Load Cell is Wired? Numerous load cells exist where the manufacturers have merged, ceased to exist, or do not share their wiring information. This is where we aim to help you figure out the load cell wiring of whatever load cell you have. Load cell […]

Comparing Load Cell Meter Filter Settings on Morehouse 4215 Load Cell Meters

Comparing Load Cell Meter Filter Settings on Morehouse 4215 Load Cell Meters A common question at Morehouse we are frequently asked involving our 4215-meter load cell meter is if there is a performance difference between using different filter settings. We decided to take things further for this article by testing a standard 4215 indicator versus […]

Load Cell Simulator Calibration Requirements to Calibrate my Digital Indicator: Is it Worth it? (ISO 376 and ASTM E74)

The Pros and Cons of Load Cell Simulator Calibration: Is Interchangeability Worth It? We have been asked more frequently about the benefits of calibrating everything as a system versus calibrating the load cells and indicators separately and intermixing them using a calibrated load cell simulator. Being able to intermix any load cell and meter combination […]

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