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Are you having trouble figuring out all of the requirements for calculating a CMC for force uncertainty or torque uncertainty? This Excel sheet provides a template for calculating CMCs and explains everything required to pass an ISO/IEC 17025 audit. It took us hours to develop and is unlocked for anyone to have the tools needed […]
10+ Force Units and Conversions Force Units are interesting as almost anyone can do a search to find the conversions, however, are those search results always correct? We have looked at various force unit converters and decided to make a quick reference post on force units and the conversion to SI units, as well as […]
Low Capacity Load Cell Morehouse Low Capacity Cells are often the choice for companies that make field measurements in accordance with ASTM E74, &ASTM E4, ISO 376, and ISO 7500, and general field measurements, which may include checking the force of a production press. These load cells are suitable for the following uses: Applications where […]
Measurement Risk and TUR Calculator Tool - 1 Simple-to-Use Tool: Decision Rules can be difficult to understand, and this worksheet will help simplify things by focusing on measurement risk. The Morehouse Measurement Risk TUR tool will cure those measurement headaches allowing anyone to calculate TUR properly and Measurement Risk Correctly. Use this tool to input […]
#3 Best Things to Know About Cable Tensiometer or Aircraft Tension Meter Calibration At Morehouse, we build force machines for all types of force applications including cable tensiometer calibration.  We build machines and supply cable sets for aircraft cable tension meter calibration from Pacific Scientific, Opti Mfg, and types such as T5 & T60 cable […]
Mini 600k lbf Load Cell Morehouse Mini 600k lbf Cells are designed for companies that make field measurements in accordance with ASTM E4, ISO 7500, and as a reference standard where ultimate portability is preferred. This load cell with a top adapter weighs less than 40 lbs, making it lightweight and easy to carry. This […]
The Mass to Force Conversion tool solves issues with results not agreeing because the same units are not being used. This spreadsheet tool was created to help with your force needs. If you enjoyed this content, check out our LinkedIn and YouTube channel, or our articles for more helpful posts and videos.
3 Things to Know About Crane Scale Calibration #1. What is a Crane Scale?   A crane scale is typically a load cell or a load link with strain gauges. Crane Scales typically have large openings in upper shackles and larger hooks on the bottom. Some have digital displays, and others have large displays for […]
ISO 376 Compression Load Cell Morehouse Precision ISO 376 Compression Load Cells are critical when high accuracy and low measurement risk are needed. These load cells are designed for stability and reproducibility in calibrating testing machines following ASTM E4 and ISO 7500 standards, making them the #1 choice for field-use load cells (and an excellent […]
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