Quick and Easy: Pull Your Force Calibration Data from Anywhere Using Your Smartphone (1 Easy Step)

Quick and Easy: Pull Your Force Calibration Data from Anywhere Using Your Smartphone

Morehouse puts QR codes on calibration stickers so you can pull your data from your smartphone and our customers love it!

force calibration data
Force calibration data - QR Code

Why we decided to go with QR codes

About two years ago we decided our calibration certificates and lab software needed updating.

We looked at calibration software on the market and LIMS systems and decided nothing met the needs of our customers and their force calibration data.

So, we embarked on developing our calibration software. The scope of the project was one that kept expanding and is currently still developing to give our customers better calibration certificates and better accessibility to their data.

We created QR codes so you do not have to worry about not having access to your calibration reports, regardless of where you are. As of right now, all calibration stickers contain a QR code.

QR codes allow for:

  • Easy access to data anywhere. The QR code is scanned with a cell phone or handheld scanner, and the .pdf copy of the certificate of calibration is displayed on the phone.
  • Fast Information. By using your smartphone's camera, data is loaded quickly.
  • If you want to access data without a QR code, each sticker contains a download link to access the calibration data via a web browser.

Notes: The calibration label will only print calibration due dates when specified by our customers. The example below does list a calibration due date.

Scan the example below with your cell phone and your calibration data will be displayed in the phone's browser.

We are using ANSI Z540.3 Method 6 to access probability of false accept (PFA) for all instruments calibrated with tolerances.

We have spent two years developing this software to meet the needs of our customers, improve our processes, and improve the turnaround time it takes to calibrate your instruments.

Please feel free to test our sample cert out.  We would love to hear from you regarding our new QR codes, PFA in accordance with ANSI Z540.3 Method 6, and all general inquiries.

force calibration data

Force calibration data - Conclusion

If you enjoyed this article, check out our LinkedIn and YouTube channel for more helpful posts and videos.

Everything we do, we believe in changing how people think about force and torque calibration.  Morehouse believes in thinking differently about force and torque calibration and equipment.

We challenge the "just calibrate it" mentality by educating our customers on what matters, and what causes significant errors, and focus on reducing them.

Morehouse makes our products simple to use and user-friendly.  And we happen to make great force equipment and provide unparalleled calibration services.

Wanna do business with a company that focuses on what matters most?  Email us at info@mhforce.com.




#Force Calibration Data

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