10+ Force Units and Conversions
Force Units are interesting as almost anyone can do a search to find the conversions, however, are those search results always correct? We have looked at various force unit converters and decided to make a quick reference post on force units and the conversion to SI units, as well as converting force units from SI to English Customary.

Force Units to Newtons (SI) Force Unit Conversion | ||||
Symbol | Name | To Symbol | Name | Multiply By |
kgf | kilogram force | N | newton | 9.806 65 |
kip | kip (1000 lbf) | N | newton | 4448.221 615 |
kip | kip (1000 lbf) | kN | kilonewton | 4.448 221 615 |
lbf | pound force | N | newton | 4.448 221 615 |
ozf | ounce-force | N | newton | 0.278 013 851 |
tonf | ton-force (short) US | N | newton | 8 896.443 231 |
tonf |
ton-force (short) US | kN | kilonewton |
8.896 443 231 |
SI Force Units to Customary Force Units | ||||
Symbol | Name | To Symbol | Name | Multiply By |
N | newton | kip | kip (1000 lbf) | 0.000022480894 |
kN | kilonewton | kip | kip (1000 lbf) | 0.002248089400 |
N | newton | lbf | pound force | 224809.00000000 |
N | newton | ozf | ounce-force | 3.59694309 |
N | newton | tonf | ton-force (short) US | 0.00011240 |
kN |
kilonewton | tonf | ton-force (short) US | 0.11240447 |
Force Unit - Conclusion
I take great pride in our knowledgeable team at Morehouse, who continue to work with everyone, clarify complex topics, and provide tools such as free guidance documents, excel sheets, and products to help you make better force measurements. We want to make sure everyone understands how to convert force units.
At Morehouse, we educate our customers and provide solutions to you. Most of these solutions are available for free to help you make better measurements and can be found here.
We have been in business for over a century and focus on being the most recognized name in the crane scale calibration business. That vision comes from educating our customers on what matters most and having the proper discussions relating to what is force, and why force is important so everyone understands the concepts.
If you enjoyed this article, check out our LinkedIn and YouTube channel for more helpful posts and videos.
Everything we do, we believe in changing how people think about force and torque calibration. We challenge the "just calibrate it" mentality by educating our customers on what matters, what causes significant errors, and how to focus on reducing them.
In addition, Morehouse makes simple-to-use calibration products. We build excellent force equipment that is plumb, level, square, and rigid. Morehouse provides unparalleled calibration service with less than two-week lead times.
Want to watch the video on why use Morehouse for your load cell calibration? It can be found here.
Please contact us @ 717-843-0081 to talk to a live person or email info@mhforce.com. Visit us on the web at mhforce.com.
#Force Units
#Force Unit Conversions