Category: Force Calibration Tips

How Do I Calculate B Coefficients Using Data from My Force Calibration Report?

How Do I Calculate B Coefficients Using Data from My Force Calibration Report? At Morehouse, we generate calibration reports with both A and B coefficients. Any calibration performed following the ASTM E74 or ISO 376 standard will list both sets of coefficients. The A coefficients are used to solve for Response when the Force is […]

How to Gain Confidence in Your Measurements

How to Gain Confidence in Your Measurements In the book Good to Great a concept is illustrated with three intersecting circles, which determine your company’s hedgehog concept. The hedgehog concept is based on asking three questions. “ 1. What are you deeply passionate about? 2. What can you be the best in the world at? […]

How to Participate in an Interlaboratory Comparison (ILC) Easily

How to Participate in an Interlaboratory Comparison (ILC) Many force calibration laboratories need help proving out their measurement capability. The ISO/IEC 17025:2005 listed interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) in section 5.9.1. However, historically ILCs were not organized or completed because other less complicated methods were acceptable for monitoring the validity of the results. The current ISO/IEC 17025:2017 […]

Why Don’t my Load Cell Force Measurements Match My Calibration Report?

Why Don’t My Load Cell Force Measurements Match My Calibration Report? You send your load cell out for calibration. When it returns, you begin using the load cell but notice that your measurements don’t agree with what the calibration lab reported. Why is there a discrepancy? This question has been posed to us in slightly […]

3 Ways to Prevent Damage to Your Force Calibration Equipment

3 Ways to Prevent Damage to Your Force Calibration Equipment The purchase of force calibration equipment coupled with the calibration cost can be a large investment. Good, quality equipment provides a steady return on your investment for many years. Unfortunately, we see a lot of equipment damage such as broken connectors, severed cables, damaged load […]

Calibrate your Tuffaloy Weld Force Gauge for Quality Spot Welding

Calibrate your Tuffaloy Weld Force Gauge A weld force gauge accurately measures the actual weld force at the weld. It is important to calibrate these instruments because a weld force that is too low or too high will cause problems such as cracking, indentation, expulsion, and low weld strength. Most spot welding equipment does not […]

4 Steps to Reduce Beginning and Ending Zeros

4 Steps to Reduce Beginning and Ending Zeros At Morehouse, we generate calibration reports that follow the ASTM E74 standard. When customers try to replicate the data, they often ask how we reduced the zeros from the raw data. This blog explains Method A and Method B zero reduction per ASTM E74. Morehouse recommends Method […]

Tips from the Cal Lab: Tip on How to Use a Load Cell Alignment Adapter for Compression Calibration Setups

Tips from the Cal Lab: Tip on How to Use a Load Cell Alignment Adapter for Compression Calibration Setups Centering a load cell is critical to obtaining the correct line of force and reducing calibration errors. An alignment plug along with an adapter plate can be used to center a load cell, whether it is […]

Important Aircraft and Truck Scale Calibration Tips

Important Aircraft and Truck Scale Calibration Tips - Intro Figure 1: Example of Aircraft Weighing Aircraft and Truck scales come in all different shapes and sizes and typically serve one purpose, to approximate the weight of an aircraft or truck. Why might that be important? For Aircraft, it's about knowing the center of gravity CG. […]

Force Measurement Error – Time Interval Between Two Successive Loadings (2 Loadings)

Force Measurement Error – Time Interval Between Two Successive Loadings Has anyone ever wondered if there is a difference in calibration results if the time interval between two successive loadings is changed? Is faster better and does it matter if the calibration takes 10 minutes on an automated machine pictured in Figure 2 below, or […]

What Makes a Force Calibration Machine Fit for Use?

What Makes a Force Calibration Machine Fit for Use? - Intro Figure 1: Morehouse 1,000 lbf automated deadweight machine At Morehouse Instrument Company, we’re justifiably very proud of our 1,000 lbf Automated Deadweight Machine. You can see in Figure 1 (above) that the force calibration machine looks level and square. What the picture doesn’t show […]

Using Mass Weights to Calibrate Force Devices Can Result in a Large Measurement Error

Using Mass Weights to Calibrate Force Devices Can Result in a Large Measurement Error Morehouse Benchtop 10,000 lbf Calibrating Machine When metrologists talk about measurement error, we’re talking about the difference between the nominal value and what the instrument is reading. If 10,000 lbf is applied to a force measuring device and the readout displays […]

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