Tag: load cell calibration

How to Correct for Tare Weight when Using Load Cells or Proving Rings

How to Correct for Tare Weight when Using Load Cells or Proving Rings A common question we get asked is, “If I have a tare weight, how do I correct it?” Thus, we are going to answer the questions by discussing  How to Correct Tare Weight when using Load Cells or Proving Rings. All instruments […]

Load Cell Calibration: What Does “Traceable to NIST” Really Mean? (Better Your Calibration)

Load Cell Calibration: What Does “Traceable to NIST” Really Mean? Load cells have various applications across several fields, from verifying the correct amount of stamping press force to testing rocket thrust stands. They are so common that almost everyone owns several in some shape or form, whether they realize it or not. Load cells are […]

ASTM E74 and Accuracy Statements: Why an Accuracy Statement Does Not Belong on Every Calibration Certificate

ASTM E74 and Accuracy Statements: Why an Accuracy Statement Does Not Belong on Every Calibration Certificate - Intro   The current ASTM E74-18 standard is the title Standard Practice for Calibration and Verification for Force-Measuring Instruments. Here at Morehouse, we support the best practices that are outlined in the ASTM E74 standard as the representation […]

Calibrating Multi-Axis Load cells in a Morehouse Calibrating Machine

Multi-axis load cell Multi-Axis load cells are becoming more popular, and the calibration of such load cells creates various challenges to ensure minimal cross-talk and to calibrate each axis of the load cells. This blog describes a detailed test plan for calibrating a 3-axis multi-axis load cell in a Morehouse. Universal Calibrating Machine (pictured below). […]

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