Calculating Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Using the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) (ASTM E74)

September 1, 2015

Calculating Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) Using the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF)

In accordance with the ASTM E74 standard, Morehouse reports the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) which is reported on page one of the calibration certificate and is not uncertainty.  ASTM E74-06 used to call LLF the uncertainty.

The ASTM E74-06 standard was very misleading as the uncertainty reported was only one component of the overall system uncertainty. ASTM E74-13a addressed this issue by changing the term uncertainty to LLF.

The ASTM Lower Limit Factor LLF is calculated by section 8 Calculation and Analysis of Data found in ASTM E74-18a and is a Type A uncertainty component. The upcoming ASTM E74-23 uses the same formula to determine the ASTM lower limit factor.

Morehouse has developed a guidance document to help you calculate your uncertainty that can be found at

Once you open the EXCEL file download provided, select the Morehouse Uncertainty Worksheet. There is a field to enter the Lower Limit Factor from the calibration certificate.

The ASTM Lower Limit Factor and additional information can then be entered into the spreadsheet per the download example to calculate your measurement uncertainty.

ASTM Lower Limit Factor

ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 Accredited calibrations.

The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) P-14:2009  section 6.4 requires short-term contributions, such as the resolution of the Unit Under Test (UUT) to be included in the uncertainty per point value reported on the calibration certificate. In ILAC P-14:2019, the section is 5.3.

Euramet CG4 v2.0 Uncertainty of Force Measurements also requires the resolution of both the standard and unit under test to be reported as standard contributors.

The per-point analysis consists of the UUT resolution and the CMC of our standard (which will include the resolution of the reference standard if primary standards were not used).   When you run a full uncertainty analysis per ILAC P-14 as required by ISO/IEC 17025 guidelines, you can then derive your CMC (Calibration and Measurement Capability), which is then reported to your customer, among other things.

There is a tab in this spreadsheet to help with calculating your CMC per point.   Morehouse can give guidance on using our sheet. We offer training with a focus on measurement uncertainty and an independent consultant two to three times per year.    Upcoming training information can be found on our training page.

Calculating Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) using the ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF) - Conclusion.

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#ASTM Lower Limit Factor (LLF)


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