NEW Force Calibration for Technicians and Quality Managers eBook 2024 Edition

Force Calibration eBook 2024

Morehouse Instrument Company has shared tremendous knowledge throughout the years with blogs, technical papers, and webinars on force calibration. This education aligns with our purpose, to create a safer world by helping companies improve their force and torque measurements. 

When someone is new to calibration or metrology, the information can be overwhelming. There is so much to digest that people can quickly become overwhelmed. Some have joked that an introduction to metrology is like trying to drink through a firehouse.

Morehouse had created this eBook to help anyone with their force measurement needs or challenges to simplify things. We have updated the eBook with more information to help anyone from beginner to seasoned metrologists. It is a combination of a century of experience concerning making force measurements.

Even seasoned metrologists or technicians with years of experience may learn something new, or this document can act as a refresher for those who are more advanced. In either case, the knowledge gained will help you become better and help make better force measurements to make the world a safer place.

Some of pertinent information contains guidance on factors that ensure repeatable results through the entire measurement chain. For force-measuring devices, there are various mechanical and electrical interfaces that matter.

At the time of calibration, these consist of:

  • Selecting the right calibration method.
  • The loading conditions.
  • Adapters.
  • Verification of the adjustments.
  • Meters.

Force Calibration for Technicians is available for free by filling in the form below.

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