5 Reasons to Purchase Budget Load Cells from Morehouse

The Top Five Reasons to Purchase Budget Load Cells from Morehouse

Load cells are devices that are used to measure the weight or force, applied to them and are used in a wide range of applications, from weighing scales to industrial equipment. Most of the load cells supplied by Morehouse are used as calibration standards, either as reference standards to calibrate other standards, or as field standards to calibrate tensile testing machines, mechanical presses, Brinell hardness machines, or in critical weighing applications.

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As calibration Load cells, they must have superior performance specifications and this superior performance can be expensive, and it may be tempting to look for cheaper alternatives. In this blog, we will explore why you might choose to buy a Morehouse Budget Loadcell.Budget Load Cell

  1. Cost

The most obvious reason to choose a Morehouse Budget Loadcell is the cost. Morehouse Budget Loadcells are less expensive than our higher-end shear web-type load cells with performance characteristics nearly equivalent to them.

Our Budget Loadcells are calibrated in our deadweight calibration machines to a variety of calibration standards, including ISO 376, and ASTM E74. We guarantee performance specifications of better than 0.02 %, which translates to an ASTM E74 class A verified range of force of better than 8 % of the capacity of the budget load cell. This means a 100klbf load cell will have a useable range to calibrate testing machines to ASTM E4 from 8klbf through 100klbf, or better.  With ISO 376 calibrations, these cells will meet Class 1 or better for the same range.

If you have a limited budget or are looking for a cost-effective solution, a Morehouse Budget Loadcell may be the right choice for you.


  1. Simple Applications

If you are using a load cell for a simple application, such as a weighing scale or a simple test rig, one of our Budget Loadcell may be a suitable solution because they are typically less accurate than high-end load cells. For example, a load cell from the Morehouse Precision Calibration series may be set up with several Morehouse meters and be accurate to better than 0.05 %, while a budget load cell would be 0.1 % of full scale.

This means one of our Precision Calibration load cells could be set up as a direct reading system and at 100klbf, the measurement error or difference from the nominal value of 100,000 lbf, would be ± 50 lbf, while the error of and equivalent capacity Budget load cell would be better than ± 100 lbf.

Depending on how critical the application is, the Budget load cell will reduce your cost without sacrificing too much accuracy.

Budget load cells

Note: It should be noted that many expensive load cells only achieve a measurement error of ± 100 lbf at 100,000 lbf.


  1. Durability

Morehouse Budget Loadcells are manufactured using durable, corrosion-resistant materials and are designed to withstand harsh environments. If you need a load cell that can withstand extreme temperatures or corrosive environments, a Morehouse Budget Loadcell may be the right choice. It might also be a good choice for an application where the load cell will likely need to be replaced.


  1. Quick Replacement

If you urgently need a load cell and can’t afford to wait for a custom load cell to be delivered, a budget load cell may be your best option. Morehouse typically keeps our Budget Loadcells in stock, available for quick calibration and shipment. Additionally, we can make adapters for your custom application, saving you time and money in the long run.


  1. Applications where the load cell is calibrated “in-place”.

Our Budget Loadcells are perfect to use in testing machines, presses, and other applications where the load cell is mounted and calibrated in place. The specifications are very comparable with our higher-end shear web line of load cells, at a fraction of the cost.


Morehouse Budget Load Cells Conclusion

A Morehouse budget load cell may be the right choice for you if you have a limited budget, are using a load cell for a simple application, need a load cell that can withstand harsh environments, need rapid delivery, or have a mounted in-place application.

If accuracy is critical to your application, a Morehouse Ultra Precision or Precision load cell may be the better choice, but our Budget Loadcell line is designed for customers wanting excellent performance for less cost than most comparable load cells.

At Morehouse, we start by listening to our customer’s needs. When we listen, we find a solution. That solution is often a force-measuring system, adapter, load cell/budget load cell, or calibration that meets the customer's need while offering the lowest measurement uncertainties available.

Low uncertainties help our customers make more accurate measurements, which reduces costs, lowers risk, and increases quality.

Our accredited calibration services with primary standards will build confidence in your force measurement process.

We create a safer world by helping companies improve their force and torque measurements.

If you have more questions about Morehouse budget load cells, need adapters, calibration, or other questions don't hesitate to get in touch with us @ 717-843-0081 to talk to a live person or email info@mhforce.com. Visit us on the web at mhforce.com.

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#Budget Load Cells

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