In this new version of our Calibration Software, you will see: an overhaul of the user interface for a better user experience, dark mode via sun/moon icon, collapsible calibration settings and additional indicator panes which allows more than 7 digits to be displayed, and much more!
UI Overhaul for a better user experience
Dark Mode via sun/moon icon
Collapsible calibration settings and additional indicator panes
Higher contrast for the seven segment display
Allow more than 7 digits to be displayed
The most significant digit can no longer be off screen
Indicator form now clearly shows a dropdown for the connected load cell
Redesign UI to target more resolutions: 720p and higher, 1080p and higher with 150% UI scaling and lower
All new forms are centered on the main window
Messages boxes have been replaced with themed message boxes
The reading interval slider now shows its current value
Allows for Morehouse Cert importing (No more typos)
A regional decimal separator is now supported (based on PC locale)
Specifies a data cell should be selected instead of just a cell
Added Peak and Valley readings and a Reset button
Values are reset automatically when capturing a reading
When an indicator is discovered, the additional indicator pane automatically expands
Once all indicators have been activated, the pane will automatically close