Morehouse facilities and procedures are subject to and are under continuous audit by these government agencies and industrial organizations. Compliance through audits by accredited bodies such as A2LA, NVLAP, and NUPIC assures standardized methods and can reduce human error in measurement. Standards have existed for years and continually evolve to standardize national and international measurement, torque, and force accreditation and calibration services operations. Read our Force Calibration and Torque Calibration Capability statement to learn more.
Force Accreditation and Torque Accreditation
The force and torque calibration laboratories at Morehouse are accredited for calibration to ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 by A2LA (Certificate Number: 1398.01), and NVLAP (code 6000259-0). This accreditation demonstrates technical competence in force and torque calibration and the operation of a laboratory quality management system. The force calibration laboratory and procedures are compliant with 10 CFR 50 Appendix B: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, 10 CFR Part 21: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance.
Morehouse Instrument Company is the only commercial laboratory offering force calibration through 120,000 lbf using deadweights certified by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), by direct comparison to national standards of mass. Weights have been corrected for gravity, material density and air density. Accounting for these variables Morehouse Instrument Company is able to offer force calibrations with an uncertainty of better than 0.002 % of applied force, through 120,000 lbf. ASTM E74 requires instruments used as secondary calibration standards to be calibrated by comparison with deadweights. Additionally, ASTM E74 requires the loading range not include forces less than the first non-zero point applied during calibration.
Morehouse Instrument Company follows the procedure and guidelines of ASTM E74 by applying 11 increasing forces with the first point being well below 10 % of capacity to ensure our customers ASTM Class A lower limits comply with ASTM E74. The first test point is the greater of 400 times the resolution for Class A, 2000 times the resolution for Class AA, or 2 % of the maximum applied force.
Morehouse provides force points below 10 %, so our customers can be compliant with the following ASTM E74 sections: